decks and your elemental reaction to them


I know we have talked in other threads about which element you would consider a deck to be. But this is more a question of which element you react to a deck with.

Jewel brought this up to me just now and got me looking at my decks. For example she says her Cosmic Tribe is more of an earth deck to her, but she seems to read with it from more of a fire area. And while the Victorian Romantic can sometimes seem more air, I read it very much as a water/emotion deck. My Merryday is pretty balanced elementally but I find myself reading it from an earth perspective.

Then you can get into the ones that seem to match up well. For example we both see the Fantastic Menagerie as an air/mental deck and we also approach it that way.

This was just such an interesting way for me to think of my decks and how I react to them that I thought I'd pass it on. This way if I want to I can figure out which element I want to address with each reading and pick a corresponding deck. I know I've done this on an unconscious level as long as I've been doing readings, but now I can do it consciously.


IMO this kind of boils down to why I choose certain decks for certain types of readings.
I usually choose the Fantastic Menagerie for career and work related readings because it gives an straight forward air/mental answer. I use the Victorian Romantic for relationship readings because it gives a great emotional/water response.
(shrug) Just kind of fun for me to think of it this way. I love the elements and always keep them in the back of my mind anyway. So this makes perfect sense to look at it this way.
Of course there are decks that I can't pigeonhole too! :laugh:

Le Fanu

This is a new idea for me... But I like it.

Haven´t thought it through fully yet, but it would seem to me to be much, much easier identifying Cups i.e water i.e romantic decks than identifying earth decks.

I just received the Blake Tarot today; definitely a Wands/fire/creative energies deck.

Klimt - for me - is definitely Cups. It´s just so lush and fluid!

As for the others, let me see... Bruegel would be a good Pentacles/ Earth deck. It is so brown!

(only one left. Am I doing well? LOL) ... Swords, well that would be.... surely Thoth? Only last week I was calling Thoth "cerebral" and people disagreed, but it is a deck very much focussed around thought and thinking and the mind and erudition.... I know others willl disagree, but...

How did I do? :D


You did fine Le Fanu!!! :laugh:

It's all a personal reaction that makes it interesting to me. Since I'm not really thinking in terms of figuring out what decks are which element all the time. I'm having fun figuring out my own personal elemental reaction to my decks.

A deck I may response in a water/emotions way, somebody else may see in a air/mental aspect. (shrug) Just an interesting outlook that Jewel pointed out to me. :)