Detailed past spread?


I'm fairly new to different spreads other than the celtic and am grateful to have found this site. If there is a thread on this, please forgive me for not finding it first before asking----

What spread do you recommend for insight into the past? I've had some really large life changing situations happen over the past ten years and would love to find a spread that would give good insight into the how/what/why thing and what I can learn from that experience. I'm familar with the three card spread and all that, but was hoping to find something more if that makes sense? I hate to sound dumb...I've learnt so much since joining here and look forward to learning and contributing more.

*goes off to enjoy her new three volume set of Stuart Kaplan's Encyclopedia of the Tarot*



You should try looking thru the Tarot Spreads Forum Index. There are a LOT of spreads under different categories.


use your favourite spread

Lewen said:
What spread do you recommend for insight into the past?
I can see a spread with each card having a well-thought
significance, with kind of a whole list of possibilities there.

Or you could try taking 2 decks, the same if you have them,
and do one spread that's just "about" the past, nothing more.
Next do another spread right next to it, "about" the future.

Sometimes just letting the cards show you things can be
easier and even better ~ but you do then have to figure
it all out. Well, it could be like creating still life paintings?


Welcome to the forums, Lewen! :D

Here's a link to the Tarot Spreads forum, click here, that NYCTeen mentioned. It's also found at the very top of the Tarot Spreads forum page, for reference, in case you need to find it again.

Hope the list gives you lots of new ideas!


Thank you all for your responses and I'm fixing to go head up right now and read the index of the spreads! Thanks again for all y'all's help!


The index is really great...but I have my own recommendation spread for sorting out the past.

The Reflecting Pools is my favorite spread for really digging into the past.
I was honored to have Contrascarpe do one for me in person!

All ya need is a lot of space...and a lot of decks in your collection!


Chronata said:
The index is really great...but I have my own recommendation spread for sorting out the past.

The Reflecting Pools is my favorite spread for really digging into the past.
I was honored to have Contrascarpe do one for me in person!

All ya need is a lot of space...and a lot of decks in your collection!

That spread sounds like fun, and very indepth... I need three more decks to do it though!