Difficult positions in some spreads. HELP!


So I've been using this cross spread for some time now, I really enjoy it and I think it's very helpful.
The thing is I learnt it this way:

### 2 ####

1. Past.
2. Negative influences.
3. Future.
4. Positive influences.
5. Conclusion/Present.

[I hope it's clear]

I usually have trouble reading the negative influences when I have a card in the upright position, or the positive influences when I get a card in the reversal position. I mean, I can do it and in fact I do, but I have a hard time. I was wondering if someone has the same problem, and how do you solve it; because the cross spread is not the only one that has "positive" and "negative" influences positions...

Thank you!

le fey

Seems to me that if the spread has a built in range like that, you don't really need reversals to indicate positive or negative.

If you still want to work with reversals, though, there are a number of other ways you might consider them. One way I've found very thought povoking is to regard reversals as the energy being reflected internally rather than externally - that is, attitudes, mindsets, worries, hopes, as opposed to actions, events, impressions others see. Does that make any sense?

So, say you have the 3 of Pentacles (and only tossing out one idea of the card, not being comprehensive) -
Upright in the negative position, you're maybe looking for how what it is you're building in the situation isn't going well or being helpful. Maybe you are solidifying a material structure that isn't going to serve you well down the road. Reversed, you'd be wanting to explore how your inner beliefs about what you're building are negatively impacting the situation - perhaps you're spending more time thinking about how to get all the details right than actually doing anything.

Same with the positive side -
Upright, what you're building for the future is helpful to the situation.
Reversed, your inner intention to focus on the practical details of manifesting a stable foundation for the future is what is helping you.