Distinguishing individuals from one another


If one or more people seem to be players in a situation are you able to discern when they are actually different people and not different behaviors in one individual?

If doing a reading for yourself can you tell whether you are being described or someone else you may or may not know of or know very well?

EDIT: I now realize I should have stated that these questions mainly apply to cases when using spreads that do not have designated positions offering clues.


I think that you have just summarized why so many people say that they hate courts or are always confused when courts come up in a reading.

Part of it is the formulation of the question, that is, by crafting the question you can cut back on the level of doubt quite a bit.

Positional meanings help too of course. Not to be too obvious but if the positional meaning is 'outside influences' or 'other people' that helps.

But that still leaves a large grey area for confusion, I agree.

If the situation has one or more serious 'players', like the boyfriend, mother or whatever, I always look to see if I can discern at least their influence. I also look for 'hidden' players, sometimes indicated by the presence of a 3, including The Empress. Then I look at courts from that viewpoint.

I don't know that there are hard and fast rules after that, other than card placement and context.


The crowned one

I think at this point of the reading is when intuition comes more into play more then knowledge. We take what we know through learning and study and interpret it to the best of our ability using our intuition. Boy, intuition and knowledge make a great team! You feel your way through at this fork.


Thank you, I now realize I should have stated that these questions mainly apply to cases when using spreads that do not have designated positions offering clues.


M-Tarot-M said:
If one or more people seem to be players in a situation are you able to discern when they are actually different people and not different behaviors in one individual?

If doing a reading for yourself can you tell whether you are being described or someone else you may or may not know of or know very well?
As for the first question, yes. That is where your intuition comes in. You have to feel what the cards are saying. And trust what you are feeling and follow it.

As for the second question, the question should give you the answer to that (presuming you had a specific question). As Tarot answers very literally, if you ask about yourself, like "How will I react to the new job?", the cards can only answer about yourself. Or "How will George treat me?"... then the cards can only talk about George. You direct the format of the answer by how you phrase the question. In the case of an ambiguous question (if you have one try to rephrase before doing the reading, or if you are not using a question...then you are back again to having to follow your intuition.
