Divine Tarot Readings


Ok i made a post about this before and it got moved but u cant access it so i will try again! ;)

**Note to Admins** :p
Using Tarot Cards (8 Viewing)
The card meanings and symbolism, and the many ways of reading Tarot cards.

this has gotta be the right section in relation to my question dudes up top?

When your doing a reading for someone do u call in spirit and ask for divine guidence?

AND IF SO....... Do you feel like u are being guided when reading?


i connect with the Source - does that make me a 'god botherer '(just heard this expression for the first time the other day :eek:))???

if i get anything, i definitely feel guided... if i don't get anything i know that i'm too much in my own head. does that make sense?



yea i get what u mean :D

well when ur connected spiritually doing a reading has there ever been a time when u have pulled out a card and thought 'Oh no ive got a real bad feeling about this one' as in bad feeling for the person not u not being able to read the card????


not really. primarily because i don't believe we're fated or that what i get in the reading is set in stone. it could be that the querent will find a way out of it now that he/she has been warned (unless it's karmic, but even then i believe grace is stronger) or it could be that it's a (karmic) lesson the querent has to go through. i've been through quite a few tough lessons myself and i'm grateful for all of them.

this question really puts the spotlight on the reader's general outlook on life, don't you think?


Al Si'ra

Sometimes yes..Sometimes when i am in a desperate state LOL i just call upon my angels and ask them to help me "see" the message...And the reading becomes much more clear..always..
I don't know if it's due to my angels' help...or my strong faith &belief that i will see the message much more easier..


I believe that I have a lot of faeries about, some like to travel with me, as I do a lot of readings outside of my home. I commonly ask for their assistance while reading. Sometimes, I'll ask my guides to help me, but normally, I feel like they do help regardless. I'll get information as if it was whispered inside my head. It feels very similar to having a conversation with a few people, and all the sudden one of your friends lightly tugs on your arm, and whispers something, like "Jen and Eric are getting Married". Then I turn and ask "is Jen and Eric getting married?" and I allow the querent to give me the yes or no answer. More often then not, this "whispered" information is correct. Sometimes it's off, or the querent doesn't want to admit the truth, or they offer no information on it at all, and sometimes refuse to even say yes or no. In any case, yes, I feel that sometimes (not all the time) that someone is helping me, wether it's my fae, guides, angels, etc.

Hope this helps.


Xander wrote:yea i get what u mean :D

well when ur connected spiritually doing a reading has there ever been a time when u have pulled out a card and thought 'Oh no ive got a real bad feeling about this one' as in bad feeling for the person not u not being able to read the card????

For me, yes, I've had this experience. I don't sugar coat anything, but I usually try to see what the querent can do, in order to 'better' the situation, if that makes sense, like an advice card of some sort. more often then not, the "negative" is only a reflection to how the querent sees the situation, not the actual situation, although there are some situations that are just sad no matter what, like loosing someone you love, which I've seen in a tarot reading once (in 12 yrs of reading). I've seen illnesses in cards as well, advicing the querent to go to a dr, and get a good throuogh check out. One of my friends, I kept getting "pregnancy cards" for her, but in the end, it turned out that she came down with toxic shock. They kept warning me about her female reproductive organs, but I interpreted it the wrong way. In this, I believe that the message given is perfect, the message precieved is flawed, but we try our best.



like the replys dudes :p

its interesting to find out about how people try to get messages, because really in a nutshell we are messengers ******beautiful lady just drove past on a bus :D :D: D**** - and i think that with tarot readings and stuff there has to be some kind of divinity (is that a word??? :p) when you do readings!
well now reading what i wrote then i think thats maybe not true coz of what Al Si'ra said :D

the reason why i ask about wether people get bad feelings about some cards is because - i know this is weird but - im gonna be doing a reading for a friend soon and im really looking forward to doing it but I KNOW dont ask how but i know that there is going to be alot of negativity and maybe something bad in the reading!

Theres no way im gonna hide the truth and make up something that isnt true but then its all down to how i put it across i guess *sigh*....

... ah nevermind whos up for a mcdonalds breakfast rubber mcmuffin? :p