Does he want to pursuit me again?


Does he want to pursuit me again after the “split”?

Nine of wands, nine of cups, hanged man

Nine of cups – yes, that’s his wish
Nine of wands – despite of what happened in the past he still have the courage to do it
Hanged man – but it will be delayed cause he is thinking how to do it which is confirmed by nine of wands like he is thinking about the plan

What do you think?


9 of cups suggests he is happy and contented with his life right now. I don't think he will pursue this at the moment (hanged man) as he is still hurt and defensive about what happened in the past (9 of wands).


9 of cups suggests he is happy and contented with his life right now. I don't think he will pursue this at the moment (hanged man) as he is still hurt and defensive about what happened in the past (9 of wands).

I second the above.


Does he want to pursuit me again after the “split”?

Nine of wands, nine of cups, hanged man

No he won't.

Nines are related to The Hermit and so they tend to be about being alone.
The Nine of Wands says that he's been hurt by you before and is wary of being hurt again. He has his guard up and he's moving on (9s are also about the end of a cycle and looking forward to the next).
Nine of Cups says that he's working on finding peace and happiness within himself and alone, without you.
The Hanged Man says he's taken himself out of the situation with you and he's not doing anything about it right now.


thank you for your responses! I guess this is what it is


I wouldn't say that he wants to pursue you exactly. What I see is that you've released him to try to stand on his own two feet, but perhaps you already know that he can't do it without you, so you are just waiting for him to buckle and come back around to finally see things from your point of view. And he will because you are the one who has been carrying this relationship and he has grown dependent on you. He'll be back with his tail between his legs.


amanda we all want to hear a good news :) that's why I like your interpretation cause I felt I did majority of things in this relationship and finally said enough and we splitted but I want him back, however I can't pursuit him cause he needs to decide for himself what he wants