Does my astrological sign affect tarot in any way?


Does anyone know if and how my astrological sign would affect my tarot? Are there any links? I'm a leo by the way. If you need more info ask!



Rather an ambiguous query; however, taken at face value: every sign has the potential for Tarot & not exclusive to any one sign. Depends on how much the individual desires to invest in it. offers free Tarot readings & readings on Tarot, Astrology Numerology & I-Ching for reasonable prices:


Ooh, tough. I would guess that your sign(s) would affect how you read and what you pick up. Maybe this should be placed in astrology since the focus is on astrology's effects on readings.


It may affect your style I guess as in a water sign may rely more on their emotions and feelings of the reading where as a more praxctical earth sign may be more comfitable with memorising card readings and going from there. But it would depend on the individual and the whole chart I suppose.


I think that there is a difference in the way a tarot reader conveys the message due to their astrological sign. Being a sagitarrius sun sign, I sometimes have to back up and rephrase things because how I would originally see it might not work for say a... cancer. However, I find that other fire signs and most air signs are amenable to my bluntness. I don't think that astrological signs affect an ABILITY but maybe the delivery and "colour" of the message.



Thats interesting, I never thought about reading specifically for a sign and how I would change my wording. I always thought of just reading as a sagittarius.