Doing More Than One Reading


By my estimate I've now completed close to 2000 private
readings, many being performed working as a volunteer.

There are a lot of what I call "nuts and bolts" that go into
doing readings, the pre-consultation preparations which
get everything set to go, so the actual reading is focused.

And one thing I've noticed on many occasions is how the
same cards will appear when I am doing 5 or 10 spreads.
Not like in an annoying or confusing way, but perfectly as
if the deck is helping and leading me along with direction.

I did four 1-Card readings where The Knight of Pentacles
came up three times, but it was increasingly appropriate
in each case and each time I was better able to interpret.

Many other possible examples come to mind, especially
the way that The High Priestess comes forward at times.

This and other experiences has led me to believe that doing
multiple readings on the same question is not necessarily a
"bad" thing, which most books insist it is, but rather that if
you want to keep reading, and do so with a sincere interest,
the cards will amplify their meanings... intensify the results.

I recommend to anyone wishing to learn more about Tarot,
that they read as often as they may like and enjoy doing.


I agree.

I've seen a lot of people pointing out that asking the same question, say two days in a row, is just "pushing it" or whatever. But I feel like a lot can happen in that time, so why not check if the same possibilities are still there? :)


I, personally, do not recommend multiple readings, primarily because it doesn't work for me. Maybe it does for others.

I find that many readings seem to 'thin' the innformation .... I end up with cologne, instead of perfume. The cards, after all, are each so intense, that musing upon them can be quite a process. I need time to digest what I've been shown.

I feel like I make a mockery of Tarot if I keep throwing cards. Sure I'm going to get some of the same cards repeating themselves... the message is there! But the original 'throw' is the one with the best information for me.

I find if the info is confusing, then it may simply be a matter of chosing a different spread or even a different question.

Asking the same question over and over again ..... I just don't do it and, if I'm helping someone learn Tarot, I recommend that they refrain from multiple readings on the same topic.


What I've found is there are some questions where a lot can happen in a short time between readings, and other situations that need time to develop. If we think about the situation in question, we know which it is.

I find that with some readings, I wind up with a new question, so I do another reading on that question, which may lead to another, and another. This only happens now and then, and I consider it a "working through what's going on" process. When these readings just click along, I figure I'm doing the right thing. Everything seems to fall into place. It's a good idea to take notes, because this progression can occur rapidly, and it's usually something I want to remember.

Other times, usually when I have a great emotional investment, and feel frustrated, or I'm resisting the answer, then the readings become repetitive, and I eventually realize it's time to leave this question alone for a while, and either LISTEN to the answer I've been given, or WAIT for the right time to read and get an answer. Sometimes a situation hasn't developed enough for even tarot to provide guidance. Things are gestating. Maybe they'll come together, maybe not.



I tend to agree with you, skytwig. But I also think it depends on what question you are asking and what your motive is for doing those additional readings on that same question. Is it because you don't like the answer you got the first time? Is it because you don't understand the answer you got the first time? Is it because you think the situation has changed and therefore, the answer to the question could be different now?

Also, there is a difference between asking the same question repeatedly and asking about the same issue several times in a row.


skytwig said:
I feel like I make a mockery of Tarot if I keep throwing cards.
I agree, and wouldn't "throw" anything then. But there is
the "Gong & Echo" syndrome too, where the pure bell can
only be rung once and to hear more you must strike again.

The effect of the first impression quickly fades, and that's
good really. We experience a moment in time and move on.


What prevents me from doing several readings on an issue in close proximity is that I tend to feel like I'm second-guessing my own interpretations. It's a bit like I'm dismissing the answers I've already gotten by asking the same thing over and over.

Several consecutive readings would be fine though provided the subject, the topic, the angle and the phrasing of the questions would change. That would make it "storytelling" in a way instead of repetative.


Tja! Eco74

By the expression "more than one reading" there is
an underlying premise that it be done seriously. ;)
My intent was just to say it's not against any rule.


You could not step twice into the same river
for other waters are ever flowing on to you.


:) Adjö´ så lä´nge!


In my readings I see a fine line of intent and ego in asking the same question (or issue) again. Is it because we want a particular answer so badly and aren't getting it? Or is it because we want more details/perspectives about the first answer?

If the tarot is essentially saying "no" to a plea, I may not be able to understand why or (the querent) may be totally afraid of any alternative.

And then we need to wait for the path to unfold a bit more before asking again makes any sense. If the issue is significant, I think it's best not to add confusion to intensity by asking too much.


I think that a few readings are good, if they give you different angles on the question. For example, "Should I take this job" and "What will working at this job be like" and "How will this job affect my life" are all good, in my opinion. now, I wouldn't advise anyone to ask the same question again and again, since, as others have said, it would be asking the same question until you get an answer that you wish.

In addition, reading to much on the same question makes you dependant on the cards, not doing anything without consulting them. In life there are decisions that you have to make, and over-reading a situation in essence takes the responsibility of your hands, which is kind of detrimental.

However, if you see that the situation has changed, i.e, it is a different issue, then you can read again and again, with good results.