Draw and Replace?


Hi, AT people. I'm still waiting for my first deck to arrive, if that helps.
- :)

I was wondering...has there been much exploration of multiple-deck/'draw and replace' spreads/readings? What I mean is, using two (preferably identical) decks at the same time, or replacing each card into the deck after it is drawn before drawing the next card, so that it's possible to get the same card appearing more than once in a given reading?

Perhaps a comparison would help, at least to those who are familiar with the I-Ching - the fundamental 'energies' of the I-Ching (the Trigrams) can be combined with themselves to form a Hexagram (for example, crudely, 'Earth over Earth', or 'Fire over Fire'). If we then take the Tarot cards as each representing a certain 'energy', is it not possible for these energies to also interact with themselves? Ignoring the gross mismatch of culture, of course...


Hi :) Skysteel

I think when your decks arrive and you explore the infinite possibilities
available with 78 cards, of the many interesting things you'll notice
will be ~ they individually remain a coherent whole.

I Ching has the same organic structure as Tarot
and with a blossoming familiarity it soon appears:

~ the more things change...
the more they stay the same.

Demon Goddess

Skysteel said:
Hi, AT people. I'm still waiting for my first deck to arrive, if that helps.
- :)

I was wondering...has there been much exploration of multiple-deck/'draw and replace' spreads/readings? What I mean is, using two (preferably identical) decks at the same time, or replacing each card into the deck after it is drawn before drawing the next card, so that it's possible to get the same card appearing more than once in a given reading?

Perhaps a comparison would help, at least to those who are familiar with the I-Ching - the fundamental 'energies' of the I-Ching (the Trigrams) can be combined with themselves to form a Hexagram (for example, crudely, 'Earth over Earth', or 'Fire over Fire'). If we then take the Tarot cards as each representing a certain 'energy', is it not possible for these energies to also interact with themselves? Ignoring the gross mismatch of culture, of course...

I can't imagine how a system like this might work. What with 78 cards and several of them at any given time able to present the same meaning I can't imagine working with twice as many cards as usual.

with love.


the only time I have ever thought about this was when I thought it would be cool to do a double celtic cross with 2 different decks laying the cards from one deck on top of the cards from the other to get two meanings for each position to be merged. If you get 2 of the same card for a position or more than one of a card in the reading then that is a huge impact on stuff.

I don't know how meaningful it would be but there is one thought.

and just because others don't do it is no reason for you to not try it. who knows it could be a totally new branch of tarot.


Thanks for the replies.
- :)

Yeah, I guess it is kinda out there...I suppose the concept is more conducive with eight 'energies' than with 78. Maybe it depends on the spread - some spreads relate to a time-frame (with positions for past and future, for example), which implies a sense of change, so I suppose it wouldn't make much sense to have the same card in two (contradictory) positions. On the other hand, I think a spread that is more static and relates to different areas at the same time (a zodiac spread, maybe?) would be able to accommodate the same card acting in different areas...but, as Demon Goddess says, different cards can present the same meaning anyway.

knavescurvy said:
If you get 2 of the same card for a position or more than one of a card in the reading then that is a huge impact on stuff.

Would it promote a Minor to a Major, do you think?


I don't see the majors as any more important than the minors they are just in a different area. to me pips are stages of developement (whether they are growth or blockages depends on whether you are ready forthem and how long you have been experiencing that card) court cards are personalities, people and philosophies. and majors tend to be issues. but recieving a minor as 2 cards could even be a bad thing (ie. you could be focussing on something for too long and need to move on to the next step.) or could mean that it is a very important phase that you need to devote a lot of attention to.


I've actually done something simmilar. Though I don't normally reccomend it, I've used two differant decks at the same time...just not the same two. I find doing this useful with increadibly in-depth readings. Sometimes the cards have to use an alternate card to convey a message. Sometimes that card can be increadibly cryptic. If you use two decks, that lessens the chance that you'll get cryptic readings, becasue you'll have two of everything.


Hi Skysteel,
I do a New Year's Eve spread that uses full replacement. I shuffle the deck and then draw the first card. I write down what card it is and then put it back in the deck and shuffle again. Then I draw the second card, write it down, and replace it in the deck. I do this until I have drawn a card for each month of the New Year. It gives me a good overview of the year ahead. I have had some years where the same card showed up for two different months. I think replacement is a good idea if you are doing a spread for a long period of time like a year or more.