Dream Interpretation using Navigators Tarot of the Mystic Sea


New to tarot and bought this deck with the intention of dream interpretation. Wouldn't leave my hand. My dreams are so symbolic and by day I'm far too pragmatic and intellectualism takes over. This is an experiment to see if I can use tarot to dig deeper into subconscious and bridge the messages. Have a feeling this will take a lot of practice but will be useful for myself and perhaps others.

Opinions on if I am interpreting cards correctly?

I'm at a wedding which is not my own. I'm distracted and my dad and stepmom grab me to walk down the aisle. It is in a large cathedral and overdone with decor and flowers. I am pleased I am walking with them and not a groomsman. I feel uncomfortable in the bridesmaid dress and hide behind the altar to change to pants and a shirt. I feel it is more appropriate as it seems this wedding is more about show than the love between the two. I look for light between the two and I don't see. People notice I change but don't seem to mind. They want to ask but won't. They smile in recognition of my decision but no words are spoken. After the wedding I go to my childhood home and take a bath. I then play with a stuffed animal. I throw it on a ledge and my dad grabs it reminding me to be careful, that ledge hasn't been cleaned and is covered with pigeon sh*t. He tells me he is setting me up in a courtship. I feel like I'm in the middle ages wearing a giant dress, overdone hair, corset and generally feel restricted. I meet my ex (twin flame). We walk and I feel the love between us. Another woman shows up. She subtly talks about her insecurities in a way my ex is drawn to console her and boost her confidence. He seems enamoured. I am unable to voice what I see as a problem in this dynamic. He confides in me that he wants to marry her because he feels useful and needed in her life. I can't speak and walk away, not distraut but just letting him go. I go with my dad to China and stand on the Great Wall. I see tourists and monks. A kangaroo hops on top of the wall and looks confused about which way off the wall is the right way. Someone explains that China is trying to bring kangaroos into the country and I'm concerned that if the kangaroo doesn't adapt fast it will die.

Past Event/Influence: Arch Priestess
In this deck, this card symbolizes the priestess who exists in a space after death but before rebirth. She carries a wisdom of lifetimes and all the knowledge from the unconscious. She seems to guide the neophyte to her though he is blind folded and walking a tight rope. I interpret this as seemingly drawing up on wisdom from my unconscious and past events in my life. Feeling that these are influencing my actions and perception of life in a way that isn't entirely conscious to me yet. Feeling that i have something to share which others are asking. I typically live my life on intuition and thus when people ask me for input, I have a difficult time communicating. Have had many dreams suggesting that I need to learn to voice what my intuition is dictating.

(as an asdie, after this dream I had three people whom I have not spoken to in ages ask me for relationship advice or confide in me about getting divorced because they saw a strength in the way I handled my own divorce)

Overall Theme of Dream: Five of Wands
Battle to the dealth. There is a weaker figure who will be purged by flames and the stronger will be pushed to the limit defending their point of view. Clearly I am putting to rest old paradigm of relationship and basis for love. That old view has no choice but to die. Though there is still some conflict going on between the two in my experiences and what is expected by others.

What's Standing in the Way: Art
Like Artemis, need to practice more preparation and strength in acheiving goals. Avoid distractions and let go what needs to be let go. The throwing of the stuffed animal could represent a childish way of throwing out my values which are inevitably soiled by reality. Need to practice more testing and prepartion and tact in how I approach these views with others, and more importantly within myself.

Message of the Dream: Two of Pentacles
Two are playing a game with disks but lurking below is an ocean of unconsciouss. Warns that stability is needed to support change and that we need to show care in the games we play as in an instant, they will change. The ex is twin flame and he has not come to the same realizations through experience as I have about the foundation needed for a relationship. Like Artemis above, let him go and as with this, realizing that there is an unconscious element to all of our actions, as joyful as they are at times, they have the capacity to fall into the abyss of what lies beneath. Perhaps because I have not taken the preparation in refining these childish views, it puts what playfulness and joy existing in my relationships at risk because there is no stable communicated foundation of what I expect and have learned.

Lesson to be Learned: Ten of Cups
In this deck, ten of cups isn't the pinacle of happiness but warns that in the peak of acheivement, we may tend to take things for granted. The lovers look past each other yet dance still suggesting a charade. Waters behind them are murkey and behind them is a willow of lonliness on an island. Suppose the lesson is that one should not engage in charades of union based on show or courtships based in empty tradition. That I am perhaps destined to this if I don't learn to voice what it is that I've learned from my past experiences in a mature manner.