Dream of being ill.



I had this dream last night and it was uncomfortable. There was me and i was in a building, house style, not mine. Possible hotel, it was a corridor. I felt really unwell and said to this stranger that i needed help. They ignored me. In my dream i them felt very dizzy, this was a very strong feeling, so real and i went down on my knee's. I said to the person, please i need a doctor, i need to go to hospital. The walked past me. Not helping. I held a phone and dried to dial the number. Then i begame aware i was about to pass out, possible dying. Then all went black and dream ended.

All i can think is i have been so tired and run down. I have been having alot of stress and worry, The night before i dreamed of a train crash - but this is not the dream in question. I have been feeling 'off' to, from last sunday in which i stayed in bed all day - with no real illness, probably stress and run down. I have been waking many times through the night and waking with headaches too, through the night when i try to go back to sleep i recieve headaches.

I have had health issues which are yet undiognosed - so maybe this is the worry manifesting in dream.

I do feel i have no help atall, and i was managing fine and enjoying the way things were when i began to feel 'off' through the week. Oh but the previouse week i also had a bad back.

Is the dream just saying plain old - your run down and your on your own to manage. Because i'm wondering if it is a health issue.

Any ideas?

love and light



Being in a corridor is what stuck out to me, here is a possible interpretation for you:


To walk along a corridor in your dream, signifies a transitional phase of self exploration. It signals spiritual enlightenment, emotional growth, physical prowess, new opportunities and mental passages in your life.

If you are walking through a long corridor, then it represents your desperation in trying to escape a repetitive situation or some behavior patterns. You need to free yourself of this repetition. Alternatively, it symbolizes the choices and options that are available to you. You have a lot of things to consider."

Perhaps there is some situation in your waking life that is calling you to action, but you believe you can do nothing about it... and thus why you are asking for help in your dream and not getting any.

Just some extra thoughts.



I had this dream last night and it was uncomfortable. There was me and i was in a building, house style, not mine. Possible hotel, it was a corridor. I felt really unwell and said to this stranger that i needed help. They ignored me. In my dream i them felt very dizzy, this was a very strong feeling, so real and i went down on my knee's. I said to the person, please i need a doctor, i need to go to hospital. The walked past me. Not helping. I held a phone and dried to dial the number. Then i begame aware i was about to pass out, possible dying. Then all went black and dream ended.

Hotels are transition places, we rarely live in a hotel so when the appear in dreams it often relates to temporary situations. Corridoors, as has already been mentioned, are important in that they suggest you are attempting to find a new way to deal with this situation. A corridoor leads us somewhere and is, therefore a metaphor for transition and change.

The dream does seem to indicate your worries about feeling helpless over a health issue. Falling to your knees suggests a feeling of weakness and the inability (perceived or otherwise) to move forward or assist yourself.

Nobody in your dream will help you which again suggests that these aspects of yourself are not there to call upon which suggests you don't know what to do and have no other reserves to draw upon to find your own answers and you are feeling a bit panicy that you yourself are not in control even if you change your way of thinking or doing things. It also suggests that you don't feel completely safe trusting others to help you in this matter, not fully trusting health care professonals etc?? This health issue seems out of your hands and the lack of control is worrying you.

However, at the end of the dream you are trying to dial or make the necessary contact/communication with someone who can help you. This is a more remote contact to a professional and suggests that you are having to put trust in others rather than yourself.

The dizzy, blacking out aspect suggests an ending which scares you but which you can't yet see (of course). Stuff we don't understand often scares us.

I wonder if you could work with this dream and perhaps give it a title. Take it with you today and for the next few days, meditate upon it and in your minds eye, visualise what would have happened if instead of trusting in others to help, which they didn't, you trusted a higher source that this issue is something in your life which has been given to you so that you will meet certain people or learn certain things? Just a thought. Working through dreams in this way can bring about quite amazing changes.

Good luck with the health problem, do you have blood pressure problems?


Being in a corridor is what stuck out to me, here is a possible interpretation for you:


To walk along a corridor in your dream, signifies a transitional phase of self exploration. It signals spiritual enlightenment, emotional growth, physical prowess, new opportunities and mental passages in your life.

If you are walking through a long corridor, then it represents your desperation in trying to escape a repetitive situation or some behavior patterns. You need to free yourself of this repetition. Alternatively, it symbolizes the choices and options that are available to you. You have a lot of things to consider."

Perhaps there is some situation in your waking life that is calling you to action, but you believe you can do nothing about it... and thus why you are asking for help in your dream and not getting any.

Just some extra thoughts.

Thats lovely thoughts Amanda, and very much appreciated. I have been going through a tremendous emotional growth over the past 2 month, entering a different decade in my age and also maturing in my emotions, becoming stronger, so much more so - this makes alot of sense to me.

Yes i am very desperate to be released from a repetitive situation in my marraige and i have taken a possitive step the day after having this dream to contact relationship councellors, so this was possibly the release and possitive way out and it is also a choice and option for change that you talk about - thank you!

Being called to action? I will need to think of this some more.....

Possibly this may be feeling i could do nothing more to help my marraige - i would try and talk to my husband but would get know where with that, but yesterday through some self searching, using the tarot and trying to find truths through that and the help from others on the forum to de-code my cards and dreams, i find a possitive way forward.

Thank's, great help

love and light,



Hotels are transition places, we rarely live in a hotel so when the appear in dreams it often relates to temporary situations. Corridoors, as has already been mentioned, are important in that they suggest you are attempting to find a new way to deal with this situation. A corridoor leads us somewhere and is, therefore a metaphor for transition and change.

The dream does seem to indicate your worries about feeling helpless over a health issue. Falling to your knees suggests a feeling of weakness and the inability (perceived or otherwise) to move forward or assist yourself.

Nobody in your dream will help you which again suggests that these aspects of yourself are not there to call upon which suggests you don't know what to do and have no other reserves to draw upon to find your own answers and you are feeling a bit panicy that you yourself are not in control even if you change your way of thinking or doing things. It also suggests that you don't feel completely safe trusting others to help you in this matter, not fully trusting health care professonals etc?? This health issue seems out of your hands and the lack of control is worrying you.

However, at the end of the dream you are trying to dial or make the necessary contact/communication with someone who can help you. This is a more remote contact to a professional and suggests that you are having to put trust in others rather than yourself.

The dizzy, blacking out aspect suggests an ending which scares you but which you can't yet see (of course). Stuff we don't understand often scares us.

I wonder if you could work with this dream and perhaps give it a title. Take it with you today and for the next few days, meditate upon it and in your minds eye, visualise what would have happened if instead of trusting in others to help, which they didn't, you trusted a higher source that this issue is something in your life which has been given to you so that you will meet certain people or learn certain things? Just a thought. Working through dreams in this way can bring about quite amazing changes.

Good luck with the health problem, do you have blood pressure problems?

A temporary situation - good to know and comforting!

Corridor, transition and change - yes this is very possitive and i have been trying to find a way to change my situation and move forward in a possitive light, but long term change is what i hope for - not a quick fix. So i hope this is the transition you mention.

Weakness - yes i have felt weak this week, felt unwell and drained, think it's exaustion and stress. Normally i cope very well with life and am possitive, but this week i felt vulnerable probably due to relationship problems, unresolved issues, which i was struggling to find a possitive way forward in dealing with them. Desperate to just move on. This makes alot of sense to me. Also i have re-occuring stomach problems which have flared up again that are undiognosed. I worry about this being an ulcer or worse. I have been offered a scan from the doctor, so may have to get back in touch and deal with this issue now.

Panic, lack of control and miss-trust - Yes this is true. I do feel worried that i have tried everything and i panic that i may have to end the marraige. That is why yesterday i made a possitive compromising decision to make a possitive change to my husbands happyness. And i contacted marraige counsellors. And i miss trust my husband as he say's all the right things all the time when he has done something not nice and he says everything you wan't to hear. But he never keeps his word on anything he ever say's to me, he has also been untruthfull on many occasions so i no longer trust him and it is a horrible feeling, when you can't trust your husband - it's very sad. Yes also there is a lack of contol with the health issue to and this does worry me.

Making the call - Yes i realised yesterday i need help and support, that i can't fix this on my own, so i did make the call to the councellors, and also i will make another call to the GP. I did a reading for myself with my cards and i had all the same issues brought through, i couldn't find the answers, and posted the reading and some lovely folk found the hidden meanings for me, and through that also i found a path i could travel, and made a possitive decision. So there was that contact also from outside my environment, that proved very helpfull.

An ending - that may be the possible end of the marriage.

Working with the dream - yes this is something i will do. I do believe that people and situations, environment - everything is a teacher. Yes this could also meen that i should ask my guides to help, instead of relying on the physical aspect of help, maybe a combo, such as the councelling for the relationship, the GP for the health issues and the divine for guidance, direction and strength to deal with whatever the outcome of this transition may be. A direct approach. Yes i will think upon this dream, do some meditation on it and i expect the answeres will be revealed in due course.

That was great insight, it all was so accurate and made good sense to me, it has given me much to think about, and what you have said rings true with what others have interperated on the forum from my cards and dream, so all is pointing in the same direction.

Many blessings!

love and light


ps. Blood pressure - no known problems, although may get a check up with that - thanks. If there are i will pm you that one. :.)


Our dreams are an incredibly accurate litmus test for the inner workings of our sub conscious and psyche. They are so revealing and helpful even when scary (mostly when scary).

I am really sorry to hear about the problems you have both with health and your marriage, they may be related so this dream could be telling you about that connection between trust and illness too.

Please feel free to contact me via PM if you ever wish to. :)

Good luck with the counselling.


Our dreams are an incredibly accurate litmus test for the inner workings of our sub conscious and psyche. They are so revealing and helpful even when scary (mostly when scary).

I am really sorry to hear about the problems you have both with health and your marriage, they may be related so this dream could be telling you about that connection between trust and illness too.

Please feel free to contact me via PM if you ever wish to. :)

Good luck with the counselling.


Yeh was thinking about the blood pressure thing, may explain how i have been feeling this week, probably brought on by stress, as have been headachy and feeling ever so slightly nausious and dizzy at start of week - who knows? I'l find out though,

Yeh the thing is i am very dream orrientated myself, love interperating other people's, totally useless at doing it with my own, get all scramble brains lol

cheers! :.)