Dreaming of tarot cards


I threw a 3 card spread yesterday and one of those cards was the Lovers........then last night I dreamt of this card.

Do any of you dream of particular cards ?
Would you take extra attention to its meaning? How much more emphasis would you put on the cards meaning because you dreamt of it?

looking forward to your thoughts :)


Sakura Murasaki

I once dreamt that I was giving a skeptic a reading. I drew only one card, the Four of Swords, and everything that I said to the guy was really describing what I was going through (I realized later on).

Made-up cards have also known to have appeared. I remember this one called, "The Sleeping Rose," which showed a girl with dark hair, resting in a coffin and holding a bright-red rose.

What these two cards mean for me... is a secret. ;) So, yes, I definitely pay attention to the ones I dream about and can remember.


yep.... i have but dream more of runes!! but I do pay attention and write them into my dream diary as I do with everything else :)


I recently had the same thing happen with the Lovers card. I definitely think it's my subconscious trying to work some things out. Maybe there is something that is still troubling me about the card- something I'm still trying to understand or maybe it's something that I'm idealizing and wishing for. Either way, I think it's important to take note of the cards that appear in your dreams.

Faolainn Storm

Can't say as I've ever dreamt of the cards, but I was scrying in a 'crystal' ball (actually made of glass) once and all I could see was the Devil from the Shapeshifter deck (renamed Choice). It was odd as I hadn't worked with that particular deck for years at that point. And when I dragged the deck and companion book out, not only was the image I had seen almost exactly right, but the meanings given in the book was EXACTLY what I needed to hear at the time. It was amazing.

Faolainn Storm


I've been keeping a dream journal for several years, and recently started indexing certain symbols that seem to reappear over and over.

I don't dream about the cards as frequently as I would presume to, since I use them quite a lot, (and when I do, it's usually been about discovering that someone has tampered with my deck... or finding it scattered about)
I've had dreams where someone else is doing a reading with a deck I don't recognise, or once someone in a shop tried to sell me a deck I didn't know or like.

More often, I dream things that seem to relate to the cards- strong imagery of things like Towers, or in one dream I was trying to carry a large bundle of tree branches like in the 10 of Wands... things like that.
Perhaps my subconscious IS working symbolism from the Tarot into my dreams, but I'm not sure!



Sakura Murasaki said:
Made-up cards have also known to have appeared. I remember this one called, "The Sleeping Rose," which showed a girl with dark hair, resting in a coffin and holding a bright-red rose.

Made-up cards pop up a lot in my dreams, too! They usually feel like odd trumps, like still part of the tarot system instead of oracle cards...
I remember one that was vaguely like The Sun in meaning, but I knew it wasn't The Sun from the image.
Another one was like an oil-on-canvas image of a woman in an orange burqa sitting in the sunbeams by a window, while a gray body lay in the shadows at her feet. The card was huge and heavily lacquered, and I tried to meditate on it because I wasn't familiar with the meaning.

It wasn't so much the card as the situation, though. In the latter dream, I was doing a reading for our housemaid, and I think I'm supposed to help her with something.
But I don't put more emphasis in cards I've dreamed, than most other dream imagery (guessing it was just natural that if I use tarot cards when awake, then my intuition will add the act of reading to its syntax.) The meaning of the dream's usually been clearer, though, if I ponder over the dream-cards instead of trying to figure the archetype of the green penguin who turns into Chevy Chase...