Egyptian tarot (Alasia) - FOOL

ms. creant

Here we have a nice break from the walking over the cliff image typical for the Fool.

We have an young man, reminiscent of a hobo with his sack over his shoulder and his stick, heading straight for a crocodile. He is walking on top of the water, however, which illustrates further his one told him he couldn't do it so he does! Then again, it could illustrate his defiance of the "norm"....again no one said you cannot walk on the water so why not try?

Note that his hand is nearly on the croc, who has his mouth open - possibly anticipatng a tasty treat? LOL

This card is chock full of glyphs, I am drawn the the yin/yang(ish) circles and, of course, there is the all seeing eye. I have looked for alot of the others in my files but haven't found many of them yet; the basket (All, God) is there and is ubiquitos in this deck ther is also of course a glyph for water and a god/godess thrown in there too.

The LWB says:

Punishment - Man as the slave of matter takes his mistakes with him, heading for new mistakes

My interpretation:

Carefree, clueless, youth, an ominous portent and oblivious to danger

I do not see punishment here.....I see consequences ignored or not even considered but not an act of retribution.

Image attached


the crocodile seems ready to take a bite. The person doesn't seems to take care of the croc. He seems ready to go on.

ms. creant

annik said:
the crocodile seems ready to take a bite. The person doesn't seems to take care of the croc. He seems ready to go on.

........"foolishly" plodding along he is......


As you probably know- the crocodile appears in the Fool's card in many decks.
To the Egyptians the Crocodile is sacred- so in many ways you Fool is approching the Divine. Also to the Egyptians the Crocodile with an open mouth depicts going against the current, therefore he is on the path to liberation and is not limited in any way. It can also mean, like the croc can live on land and in water, man has a dual nature too. As to the punishment bit- maybe Watch out! Danger ahead! ~Rosanne

ms. creant

Rosanne said:
As you probably know- the crocodile appears in the Fool's card in many decks.
To the Egyptians the Crocodile is sacred- so in many ways you Fool is approching the Divine. Also to the Egyptians the Crocodile with an open mouth depicts going against the current, therefore he is on the path to liberation and is not limited in any way. It can also mean, like the croc can live on land and in water, man has a dual nature too. As to the punishment bit- maybe Watch out! Danger ahead! ~Rosanne

Thanks....I didn't know about the going against the current part!