Emperor + Hanged Man as advice.... totally lost


A person asked me to ask the cards for advice as how to improve the direction of her life ans I got The Emperor + Hanged Man
I can't take out of my mind the feeling that both oppose each other in some way. I have a problem with the structure and society issues of the cards. The Hanged man eschews the material plane for higher values and perspective (I think), like, not following the conventions of society, and on the other hand, the Emperor is like the one who is directly related to society... I really can't conciliate them and get the message... Can anyone shed some light into this? Thanks


The querent should be advised to Give Up (HM) the constricting nature of the Emperor, who like things Just So. In the Golden deck you can see the Emperor sitting in a small room with a tiny window. The Emperor like things perfect and orderly. In order to grow, one must sacrifice this need for total control.


There is one thing both Emperor and HM have in common: They think of the greater good (That is, a GOOD Emperor, by the way, not a bad one). They BOTH look at the larger picture, the TRIBE as a whole, if you will, and what would be best for everyone.

The Emperor and HM are not necessarily opposites, either. Think of the Emperor less as an Emperor than a Chief of a tribe, willing to starve and mediate in order to find an answer to help his tribe. Think of Odin, Emperor of the gods, who hung from a tree for three days in order to find out the secrets of the runes and gain wisdom for all. Both Emperor and HM think of the large picture, and are willing to make great personal sacrifices to find answers, to make changes for the greater good.

This is what your querent needs to do to improve her life. she needs to stop focusing on herself; she needs to consider what her "tribe" needs/what their primary problem is (tribe meaning either his family, friend, company, or people). She must be willing to go through a period where she steps away from everyone and, sacrificing long-held views or personal beliefs, tries to see things from a different angle, a different perspective. This new perspective will let her know the best way to solve the problem. And once she knows the answer, she must be willing to take charge, make decisions and change things for the better, however difficult that may be.

In short, the cards are telling her to become a visionary and a leader.

All Is One

Really interesting, Thirteen. I posted just to add thread and follow along.


All Is One said:
Really interesting, Thirteen. I posted just to add thread and follow along.
Thinking about it, the combo of Hanged Man and Emperor would probably get you leaders like a Moses or a Martin Luther King, jr. The type who lead, control and rule as the Emperor does, firmly and often uncompromisingly, but are also very self-sacrificing and visionary.


Mistique said:
A person asked me to ask the cards for advice as how to improve the direction of her life ans I got The Emperor + Hanged Man

The Emperor is about rules and order, he is telling her to take on more responsibility, to find her power of authority, to take charge of her affairs, to assert herself, to become confident and organized, so she needs to make a plan and follow it.

The Hanged Man says that improvements can be made by sacrificing things in her life, she needs to let go of certain ideas and habits that are holding her back, her priorities need to be changed, she needs to change her viewpoint of the world then she will find the way to proceed.