


I first started studying the tarot to understand my personal problems and do something to solve them. Some years later (now!) I created this spread, which is helpful when you are going through a very difficult and long situation that seems to be endless, and especially when things don't get better. It’s an adaptation of some other spreads I like, and I hope you enjoy it!

4 2 3 5
6 7

1) The Lesson: Why is that happening to me? This is what I need to learn from the situation.

2) The Roots: That's how everything has begun, the past.

3) Long-term future: Are there any chances to solve the situation before I die? How is it going to be in the future?

4) The Advice: This is the way do act, do it.

5) Obstacle: This is not good, don't do it.

6) Your Powers: This is the quality you have in relation to the situation. You should be aware of that and maybe develop it more.

7) Your Weakness: This is a non-welcome characteristic you have at this moment. You shouldn't develop it.

8) You: This is how you feel in relation to the situation.

Note: There is a close connection between positions 4-6 and 5-7. By comparing them, it is possible to reflect upon a healthy way to face the situation through the development of your qualities. Positions 1-8 show us if our feelings are in harmony with the reasons why we might be where we are.


This spread seems very interesting. I'm just learning the Tarot and I'm confused on how to actually read a spread. Do I read the number one card and then the number 4 card or do I go to the number 2 card then 3, then back to 4, then to 5?


Cíntia, did you intend for the layout to look something like this?:

4 2 3 5

Pugwinkle, generally, spreads with numbered positions are interpreted in order unless otherwise indicated.


Yes, thanks! That's the layout, I couldn't "draw it" on the computer.
And you read the cards in the normal sequence: 1, 2, 3 and so on...


the forum is set to remove extra blank spaces, so you need to use a placeholder such as a period, x, X, ~, etc instead of a blank space.



rwcarter said:
Cíntia, did you intend for the layout to look something like this?:

4 2 3 5

Pugwinkle, generally, spreads with numbered positions are interpreted in order unless otherwise indicated.

Okay, I'm still confused. So, I read it as 1,2,3 not 1,4,2?


Yes, the cards are laid out and read in the same order - 1, 2, 3, etc. You can lay all the cards out face down and then turn them up one by one to interpret them. Or you can turn them over one at a time, put them in their proper position and then interpret them.


Thanks, I got it! The problem was the blank spaces…

Yes! Just like Rodnei said before. I usually read one card at a time (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8) but in the end I compare the pairs I mentioned to see how the cards work together, and not only separately.


Thanks to both of you for clearing that up for me.