Faery seekers~week feb 12th to March 5th~Magenta reads for AJ



yes, you are right...sorry I got confused....got an hectic week...

Will be happy to read for you! :)



I'm very much enjoying getting to know the Faery flock, looking forward to hearing what yours have to say.


hello AJ :)

I finally have the right time to do this reading....I used the faeries orcale by Froud, my favorite AND I added one card also from Doreen Virtue's Healing with the Faeries oracle deck :)

the spread:


3 4 5 6



1- Where I am now?
2-Where I want to be?
Looking back:
3-What shouls I take from the past?
4-What should I leave behind?
Looking forward:
5-What should I anticipate and plan for?
6-How my past experience can help me in the future?

Where am I now?

Tobaira of the Waters
Inner Power

Aj....it seems, from these two lovely cards, that you are in a moment where you are focusing on your healing and on finding your inner center.
Tobaira is a beautiful faery, one that knows the power of healing water...water represents emotions and cleansing...this is a time for you to go withing and find all that needs to be released, explore your emotions, aknowledge them and let go what no longer supports you.
The afery in this card is looking at the watre in her hands, very focused on it: it is like you are discovering that you do have in you the power to heal yourself....your Inner Power, as indicated by the other faery.
Also...are you recovering from some physical ailment? Have you been exploring alternative means of healing?
it is like you are finding an inner light that is guiding you forward...you are "flowing" with change...there might have been some tears, but it is all part of the rpocess, they can be very cleansing....
the faery in the Inner Power card is sitting on the Moon, holding a bright Star....follow what your intuition is telling you, keep your connection with Spirit .

Where I want to be?

Faery Guide
Dreams come true

ohhhh...you got my dear Faery Guide!....Chronata made a drawing of her, in the Divination forum...she is very giggly and fun, but also very sharp and knows lots about energy...energy used towards healing.
Her presence in your reading is telling me there is really a strong intention on your part of healing some part of your life or of yourself....but also...are you considering using your hands to heal others?
My faery Guide says that you have potential for healing and helping oters and that you can understand easily the magical part of life...
You can make magic, the one that brings healing and joy to others....
It can also be an artistic project, because this Faery has also guided me with some of my art work( guess: I paint faeries :) ) so....as there is focus on hands with Tobaira and now my faery Guide has stepped in...if you are thinking about learning something related to energy work, go for it....
The Dreams come true card says that you have a wish and a vision you want to manifest...well, they are telling you: you have the power to do so, use it!

What should I take from the past?

The maiden
Trust your intuition

Bring with you your beautiful, joyful self...that part of yourself that is untouched and innocent, the one that beleives in miracles and see beauty.
This card is one of my favorites....bring and keep with you your inner beauty and the sense of joy, that part of you that trusts without doubting...sometimes we need to just trust and face the unknown....a little like the Fool in the Tarot....

What shoul I leave behind?

Collective of pixies
Moving forward fearlessly

You have relayed on others in the past, maybe waiting for their approval and support....but now it is time for you to become your own person and move on from that...this is a time when you are learning to listen to your own inner guidance.
It is an important spiritual lesson, one that will give you freedom and help you connect with your divine self...
If others also relayed on you, it is time for them to adjust to the fact that you won't be much around anymore....there is something you need to do for yourself that requieres time alone and to follow your own inner voice.

What should I anticipate and plan for?

Luathas the Wild
Peace of mind

hummmm...two very important cards here....I think Aj you will have to plan to put your passion into your new projects, bring that spark to your life and act upon it.
Following that spontaneous flash of inspiration, that fire that is guiding you will bring you that peace of mind you are looking for...listen to those strong voices, pay attention to those flashes that come to you....where is you passion?
You can plan for a very intensely creative time, but one that will also bring a so much needed and wanted self acceptance...it will make you feel beautiful and will give you a new sense of self worth.

How my past experience can help me in the future?

Ilbe the Retriever

ohhh,this cards are great too....AJ....you will find again your passion, you will sort of reconnect to your body, fully enhabit it...I don'y know how to express the impressions I am getting....but it is like...this process that started with Tobaira, deep into your emotional self...will then take you to find a part of yourself you thought lots....and the card of sexuality is truly beautiful...there is a naked faery, holding onto a blue jar, light illuminating her face, an expression of wonder ....jars can also contain water...you will balance your emotional needs with while you find again your womanhood, it is like you will bloom as a woman fully...
Following your inspiration and passion will bring to you that joy and fullfilment...

You will have to be on your own in order to find yourslef again, that what I feel.

dear AJ, I had so much fun doing this reading for you...it felt rich and full of layers and meaning...I hope I was able to express them properly to you...I have left certain parts more on a general tome, so that you yourself would be able to find the meaning, the one you know to be true for you.

many blessings


Lovely, thank you, PM'ed feedback.



Got the feedback.....I understood my impressions :)

very good :)


PS: It was a total pleasure to read for you.