Fenestra Tarot - Three of Pentacles


A craftsman works to make a large frieze, or part of a balcony. Specifically, he is using a chisel to engrave the finer lines on the wall; the rest of the work already seems to be completed. The Pentacles are suspended above him in the trellis-work; they aren' immediately apparent.

Because this card does not have the traditional RWS group of three people, there is less of a sense of teamwork about it. Did the builder create everythnig on his own, or is he putting the finishing touches to other people's work. At the same time, I think this makes the card slightly clearer in a different respect. It seems here that 'the devil is in the detail' - the final touches are as important as, say, all the work and commitment put in for the 8 of pentacles.

The architecture is also quite deceptive, because it is all very different. Indoors and outdoors, straight balcony rails and curved, ornate art deco trellis. It seems to me that one person simply couldn't have made all these different styles, and that there is also a very literal 'behind the scenes' feeling to this card. What else happened before the builder came along; what is it he is finishing.

If another meaning of the card can also be 'nailing down the details', it seems that this builder is doing exactly that as he lifts up the chisel...


The 3 of Pents
Where as in the 2 of Pents we are trying to figure out what to do the 3 of Pents is more of an expression of having made the choice and actually doing whatever the thing is, whatever it is we want to accomplish on the physical plain.
So upright it could indicate the actual building, working, doing, striving towards whatever our material goals are.

Revesed: the expression of our physical world is stifled - for whatever reason we aren't building, working or striving. Things are not happening on the physical plane.
