Finding your ideal career


I tried this spread the other day and the results were interesting...and maybe a little confusing. But then again, I'm brand new to tarot. Let me know if any of you have any luck with this spread. It's rather big, so maybe that's why I found myself a little overwhelmed with it. I seem to have the best luck with the good ole' 5-card Cross of Truth. But have a go...


1. The situation as it stands right now
2. Why it isn't working
3. What you want
4. What you need
5. Personality gifts you were born with
6. Talents you were born with
7. Personality traits/habits/abilities you have acquired
8. Skills and abilities you have acquired
9. Personality traits you need to develop/work on
10.Skills or abilities you need to develop/work on
11.What's working for you
12.What's working against you
13.How to put your personality/character to use
14.How to put your skills and talents to use
15.Crucial advice, clarification
16.The career path you should pursue


I just tried this spread again for my husband and it worked quite well! There were no surprises, really. In the end, he's doing exactly what he's cut out to do. The Hierophant in the last position indicates that he does best in positions of authority and leadership, where people seek out his advice. He's in a leadership position where his advice and opinion are well-respected and sought out on a daily basis. Sounds like he's found his calling. :)


maybe a few too many

It may give clearer more definitive answers or insight if you consolidated some of the positions and meanings? I'd try it out now but I'm in the process of opening my new deck (bought the Llewellyn Tarot today).


I can't wait to give it a try - after my current IDS with the Pythagorean Tarot is over.

Thanks for sharing.