Forecasting Spread


I was wondering about the possiblity of a spread that is designed to give you just a general forecast of what's to come. Based on what one is doing in his/her life right now is it possible to do such a spread that could give you a general "what's-coming-my way" message. I'm attracted to the idea of something like this because I feel it opens the door to inform about any warnings/big events that one might want to know about. I'd love any and all comments, advice, and of course spread ideas!


Hi Sunstruck,
you can check out the tarot spreads index as there are loads of great spreads there. Im sure you'll find something that you're looking for.. :)


well you could try the horse shoe spread...i tried it a few backs at the reading exchange and it worked quite must be there in the spreads section for sure...


wow, thanks vernissage, that is actually exactly the kind of spread i was looking for! i can't wait to try it out!


you weren't kiddin'

i just got done doing the optimism/pessimism spread of yours, vernissage, and you weren't lying! this is a VERy accurate spread! in the "what's going to happen good/bad this week and month" they were both extremely dead on, and yes i know this because like you said things may show up in those positions that have already happenened. good news: my worst experiences for the month (and week) appear to be over, yay! i just had to write you a response telling you how much i love this spread... definetley going in my journal!!


SUNstruck said:
i just got done doing the optimism/pessimism spread of yours, vernissage, and you weren't lying! this is a VERy accurate spread! in the "what's going to happen good/bad this week and month" they were both extremely dead on, and yes i know this because like you said things may show up in those positions that have already happenened. good news: my worst experiences for the month (and week) appear to be over, yay! i just had to write you a response telling you how much i love this spread... definetley going in my journal!!

Aw, thank you! I'm so very glad this spread helped you! :)

- V.