Fortunetelling by birthdate


I'm not too familiar with the ways of astrology, but it generally gives you an in-depth analysis on a someone's personality based on the position of the sun, moon, and the planets, right? (Correct me if I'm wrong.) But is it possible to foretell future events using a birthdate alone?

A very long time ago, long before I was born, my grandmother took my mom to see a blind fortuneteller. Using my mom and my dad's birthdates, she was able to predict that they were going to have a son and a daughter (me), some of their characteristics, what they were going to do, what to avoid, etc. And of course, she did the same for my mom and dad. They were all accurate. She was predicting events that were years and years ahead, all with eery accuracy. Is it possible to do this with just a birthdate? My mom figured that she was particularly gifted since she was blind. Or something like that.


I'm sure that it's possible...

I'm not sure where or what I read, but at one time I read something to the affect of a woman's birthdate would determine the birthdate potential of her children.
i tried for a Virgo and a Pisces, but for some reason, my body enjoyed carrying children for more than nine months, and I wound up with a Libra and an Aries.

Phoenix Rising

Sounds like she was using can gather alot of information with numerology.


Numerology? Hmm...don't know much about that, either. I suppose there's only so much you could do with astrology, so it does seem like that fortuneteller tied in several elements of divination. I should look up numerology, too. Lately I've been seeing a lot of master numbers on my clock. The strangest one I had was a 1:23 and a 4:04.


Once upon a time

Actually, at least as far back as the Greeks, there were day tables: perhaps more often as descriptions of the weather, but also of "those born on this day will be..." These were still being produced in the Middle Ages. While it's unlikely that the person doing this had any awareness of that history, but it's there. There are a few words for these: parapegmata and lunaria are the two most common.