Glass globe

Water Lady

My husband was at a light store where they have unusual and beautiful items made of glass.
They had a sale on man made glass balls and he brought he home a purple/rose tinted one.
I have never had a crystal globe and don't know much about them, I am thinking you could not read or see from this one being man made.
Is there any reading value to it or do I just have a pretty globe?


Hi Nan,

You can scry into pretty much anything with a little effort. My best scrying tool is a cream marble like tile on my bathroom wall. I have a crystal ball and I have much more success with this tile.

Just hold it, ground and protect then clear your mind and see if anything comes, anything at all - I get a lot of animals and little scenes on my tile. It might take a while before you get anything but if the intent is there then you can use it to scry with. Good luck. :)


I agree, Nan. You can scry in/with anything. However, it can take awhile before you may 'see' anything, so don't get discouraged if this skill takes awhile to develop. There are also a few guidelines that may help you in developing your scrying skills, of which has been previously discussed here on A.T. in the past. You should do a search within the spirituality forum for scrying and for crystal ball. good luck with your glass globe, and keep us posted on your experiences!

Water Lady

Thank you both, I will look further a bit later. My husband is faster then I am here. I am focused on tarot card meanings right now.
I think Holloween brought this on.