Going out tonight


So I'm going out tonight with some friends, and I wanted to know if any thing would develop romantically with one off them. (He's an interest right now).

I'm using the every day witch tarot;

Here's what cards I've pulled


Past - Hanged man 12
Present - Three of cups
Future Star

My direct question; will anything develop romantically between xx and I tonight?

I've included an image of the cards -

My take

In the past I feel the hanged man is suggesting a point in time where things have been unable to develop, it's been stuck in a stand still because I perhaps haven't seen things quite in the light that I should have. I feel this could also be showing a cat and mouse period where I'd say something and they'd retaliate and visa Versa and both of us unwilling to move from it. In the present I feel that this is suggesting that there will be fun had in the evening and perhaps being with a group of friends might help give me encouragement to be "I quite like you to end the hanged man period once and for all."I feel this is suggesting also that we're going to have a good evening what ever happens, full of dance, drinking and laughter. In the future the star I feel is suggesting that if I'm lucky enough then my wish might be granted and thing might develop slowly. I feel this is suggesting also that this is my time to show them and him who I really am and allow my character to come out abit more.

Any thoughts? X


The 1st two cards are just showing you yourself in how your feeling about this guy, you have this crush on him that he knows nothing about.

The star card i wouldn't say went well together with them two cards, it doesn't look like you will end up telling him still you'll just keep it to yourself.


So I'm going out tonight with some friends, and I wanted to know if any thing would develop romantically with one off them. (He's an interest right now).

I'm using the every day witch tarot;

Here's what cards I've pulled


Past - Hanged man 12
Present - Three of cups
Future Star

My direct question; will anything develop romantically between xx and I tonight?

I've included an image of the cards -

My take

In the past I feel the hanged man is suggesting a point in time where things have been unable to develop, it's been stuck in a stand still because I perhaps haven't seen things quite in the light that I should have. I feel this could also be showing a cat and mouse period where I'd say something and they'd retaliate and visa Versa and both of us unwilling to move from it. In the present I feel that this is suggesting that there will be fun had in the evening and perhaps being with a group of friends might help give me encouragement to be "I quite like you to end the hanged man period once and for all."I feel this is suggesting also that we're going to have a good evening what ever happens, full of dance, drinking and laughter. In the future the star I feel is suggesting that if I'm lucky enough then my wish might be granted and thing might develop slowly. I feel this is suggesting also that this is my time to show them and him who I really am and allow my character to come out abit more.

Any thoughts? X

I don't usually use this deck but since you posted the images I'm going to go with my intuition here. The hanged man in the past indicates the situation you were just saying how you are waiting and nothing had come to fruition. However, with the three of cups in the present and star in the future that likely waiting period of will we or won't we will end. I'd say this hangout could potentially be a game changer in the sense that you will stand out to him and make an impression. It may not happen right away all at once but you can expect something will change in his perspective of you. I'm also seeing that this will happen during the night. Maybe he's looking for a girl he can be friends with before he's willing to show romantic interest. I'd say go slow and see where it goes. Update us and let us know how it went.


The 1st two cards are just showing you yourself in how your feeling about this guy, you have this crush on him that he knows nothing about.

I think from what I can remember, he does know but it took him a long time to figure it out that I liked him.

The star card i wouldn't say went well together with them two cards, it doesn't look like you will end up telling him still you'll just keep it to yourself.

I did end up telling him in the end but I was a little bit merry in the process, and I didn't keep it to myself. :)


I don't usually use this deck but since you posted the images I'm going to go with my intuition here. The hanged man in the past indicates the situation you were just saying how you are waiting and nothing had come to fruition. However, with the three of cups in the present and star in the future that likely waiting period of will we or won't we will end.

it's okay, it doesn't matter all answers appreciated, even ones using intuition sometimes I think they're better then the book answers.

I agree about the hanged man in the past waiting for something to come in to fruition,I hope the waiting period of will we or won't will I end I told him the cat and mouse thing needs to stop soon, and I think he agreed with me.

I'd say this hangout could potentially be a game changer in the sense that you will stand out to him and make an impression. It may not happen right away all at once but you can expect something will change in his perspective of you. I'm also seeing that this will happen during the night. Maybe he's looking for a girl he can be friends with before he's willing to show romantic interest. I'd say go slow and see where it goes. Update us and let us know how it went.

Nothing did happen right away, I hope the perspective of my self has changed from him. Things did happen during the night we had a walk and a talk late night whilst being pretty merry, I'm not pushing him any further it's up to him now how things turn out.



it's okay, it doesn't matter all answers appreciated, even ones using intuition sometimes I think they're better then the book answers.

I agree about the hanged man in the past waiting for something to come in to fruition,I hope the waiting period of will we or won't will I end I told him the cat and mouse thing needs to stop soon, and I think he agreed with me.

Nothing did happen right away, I hope the perspective of my self has changed from him. Things did happen during the night we had a walk and a talk late night whilst being pretty merry, I'm not pushing him any further it's up to him now how things turn out.


I really like how you were open with him and told him straight up that the cat and mouse thing needs to stop soon. I don't think he has bad intentions or that his hesitation shows that he's not interested in you. He may take relationships seriously and that's why he just wants to make sure. Good luck šŸ˜Š