Grand Cardinal Cross 2014 - Looking for a spread


I'm new. I just posted my hello in the new members thread about ten minutes ago, you might have seen it.

I hope this is the right place to put this post, I was torn between Astrology, Tarot Spreads and General Tarot Discussion. Please correct me if I'm in the wrong place.

I'm looking for a spread to use for the changes/effects of the Grand Cardinal Cross happening in Astrology right now. I'm not great at picking spreads but I guess I'm hoping for something that includes outcomes and conflicts. I don't have a particular question, I am just looking for insight and perspective about how this astrological event affects me.

Any ideas?


Welcome to AT :)

You know, I´m pretty sure I saw something like that in our older posts the other day but I can´t find it now. There are some Astrology spreads in our Tarot Spreads Index (post 4) but probably not what you are looking for. You could, of course, design the spread yourself :)