Granny Jones - the Page Wands


And today, I'm looking at the Page Wands. Wands are about Fire: ambition, drive, movement, acyivity, physical energy, looking forward. And if the Kings are obvious and acknowledged msters in their fields, and the Queens have internalised their fields, and the Knights are on their way to mastery but lack maturity, then the Pages represent people or situations where mastery of their element is a long, long way away. As people, they have a lot to learn.

This card shows us a chipper young man on a road. And yes, he has a long road ahead of him. In his right hand he carries luggage with a lot of labels on it, signifying travel, and thus the restless energy associated with Wands. In his left hand he carries a "Press" kit and pencil, signifying communication as something he is coming to grips with - probably by overcommuicating. After all, is the press known for restraint and tact?

A ship and an aeroplane signify the importance of movement. A sun rising out of the ocean signifies the very start of a growth-path. A telephone and winged letter signifies long-distance communication - I could well imagine this card with a computer monitor and router. And those yellow flowers in the grass, on closer examination, turn out to be light-globes, Granny's visual shorthand for "bright ideas".

Lastly, the Page is accompanied by a small dog on a leash. No matter how mechanised and technological this card is, this Page can never really escape his animal origins, and his animal drives.

In recent decades it has become fashionable to interpret the Pages generally as messages or messangers, and there is plenty in the iconography of this card to help that interpretation along. I see it more as restlessness, and a need to learn how to direct and master the urge to travel and to communicate, so as not to scatter your energies but to focus them and really achieve something in the future. This is a card that, given some self-discipline and learning, can lead to great things in the future, but if left without discipline, can lead to scattered energies and numerous incompleted projects.

Almost every time I see it, it makes me smile. Unless flanked by really negative cards, it is an image full of potential and optimism.