guided CC meditation without cards


I went through a guided audio meditation on the Celtic Cross earlier this afternoon - essentially closing my eyes and going through the spread in my mind, one card at a time. The audio called for the person to lay out a CC spread beforehand, examine the cards enough to remember what they were, then actually start the guided meditation, recalling each card in its position and meditating on its meaning in the spread.

In the spirit of doing things a bit differently, I decided to forego doing a physical card draw in favour of letting cards just pop into my mind as I went through the meditation. I didn't have a particular question or concern on my conscious mind, but when the guided audio was done and I pondered afterwards the cards that had flared up in my mind's eye, they all fit perfectly within the context of a long-term project that's been taking up most of my spare time these past few weeks.

It was a fascinating experiment in intuitive Tarot exploration. Now I understand how reading blank Tarot cards would work beautifully. It's the same premise: you let your intuition do all the talking.

Anyone else ever do something like this?