Has anyone seen the 5 of Wands as a player?


I did a reading recently a 3 card past present future on a relationship for a friend of mine and I'd be interested to know if the 5 of Wands has ever shown a player in a relationship in your readings, or someone with more then one person to think about!

The cards (I'm not trying to ask for a reading interpretation, but usually when I ask about a card everyone says its helpful to know what the others were lol :) )

5 of Wands, Page of Wands, 3 of Pentacles

My first thoughts were – she has got some competition here! It just struck me that she could have a player on her hands and I wonder if anyone else sees the card like this. Or maybe the combination of the 5 of Wands and the Page.

The Page of Wands in this case (Gilded deck) is facing back at the group of people in 5 of Wands people and away from the 3 of Pentacles, so more inclined to be playing the field I thought.

Usually my "player" card in the Gilded comes up as the 7 of Cups so I'd be interested in your take on the 5 of Wands here.


That's an interesting interpretation! I don't recall doing a relationship reading and the 5 of Wands showing up, but I think it is a good idea. It could also be that one or both of them are "playing hard to get," or maybe she'd have to compete with other things in his life to get attention(i.e.-his family, job, friends etc.).


Personally, I don't see this as competition with another person but more as a strain between her and his work situation and how she might be uncomfortable with his decisions and maybe rash choices. Hope that helps.

5 of wands never really seemed to be one of those cards to describe a player. I'd have to say (off the top of my head) I'd go with 7/s for that. But, I have seen some cards or combos and not seen much else that would be considered "traditional definitions".
