Health reading


Ok, I don't need one this time but i need help decifering mine... I got the same one like a while ago. it was the simple past present future one and i got

past: 2 of swords
present: queen of cups
future: nine of cups

I deciphered the 2 of wands as have a decision to make and not knowing which way to go. This didn't go with what actually seemded to happen.

The queen of cups i think is a emotional woman is trying to help me through. My mom as actually contributed alot. and she is very emotional

The nine of cups says that what i wan't will come to me ( what i want is to get better) but i don't seem to be seeing it happen...

I don't think this spread is right... but its almost if not itentical (sp) to one i did like a while ago... So cna someone help me out with it


Mateo06: Getting the same or similar cards in succeeding throws often means that little has changed since the last throw. The pattern is holding, for whatever reason may apply. It may be that the time is not now.
2-Swords: You are wary, even fearful of looking ahead. May not feel able nor want to make a decision or any decisions in general because you may not trust yourself to make the right choice(s); may not have the knowledge with which to proceed. Perhaps waiting a bit & giving yourself some time; making peace with yourself would be the best decision to make for now.
Queen-Cups: I see this as on more than one level.
She apparently represents your mother--one who loves (you) unconditionally & is trying to take care of you, be supportive of you. She understands far more than you realize.
It is also telling *you* to nurture yourself, to not be so hard on yourself & most importantly, to accept yourself as you are. This may be a good time to get in touch with yourself emotionally &/or to address emotional issues. The issue of health is more than merely a practical issue of survival. It is also an emotional issue regarding the quality of life. Have you considered supportive groupwork or counselling? There are times when one cannot manage without the real presence & support of others, other than family.
9-Cups indicates Universe is aware of your desire--that of well-being & health. Being frustrated with conditions is understandable; the depression is also understandable. However, no matter the circumstance, one's thoughts & attitudes can either assist or block one's efforts or goal.
This may be a lesson in patience & fortitude. Working in those directions would benefit you in the long run as it would conserve the energy for healing instead of depleting it needlessly.
Keeping the self occupied instead of dwelling on what one has no control over at the moment would serve one better. Despite how things may appear to you, you are blessed with much to appreciate--people who care about you & are willing to help you.
Please keep in touch & let us know how you are.


Thanks alot... I'll keep all of that in mind... But at the moment i am not doing to good... Hopefully soon everything will get back on track...


Mateo06: You have mail...


Diana: Very good point about communication. A failure or lack of appropriate communication can lead to difficulties in any relationship & in the personal life.
Mateo06: Speaking as a mother, mothers are not always mind-readers though they can come close. (My kids might debate this some, but they tend to have loud thought-balloons.) You might try Diana's suggestion & see where it leads.