Help I hate Mercury!


I am a Tarot reader professionally and of course by osmosis over the last 21 years, picked up bits and pieces of Astrology. I am not an Astrologer by any means and just know basics.

I KEEP getting caught up , actually stuttering with my readings all this week!

I look at the cards, get a vision of what I see for that person , then I can' t get the words out. I can't word it!
HELP! I end up stuttering and getting tongue tied and look like I don't know what I am doing !

I think it may be Mercury in retrograde! Help! What can you do to fix it! :) LOL


But merc is not in retrograde anymore. It went direct on the 11th.


Mercury currently isn't retrograde so you can't really blame that....:D Maybe mercury in you chart is having some bad aspects?
Regarding stuttering and the words not coming out the way they should, I have noticed that this happens to me when I'm tired, overworked and stressed or have eaten something I'm allergic to. I have to mention though that English is not my first language and this effect may be more pronounced because of that.


It's stationary direct - in the shadow of retrograde - which often serves up far more confused moments than the full-blown retrograde. That'll clear up at the end of the month, around the 27-28th, which also happens to be the full moon.

Just slow down, that's my advice. It's not a curse, just a way of reminding us to take care.


Thank you everyone! I know it isn't getting the info, I am getting it. Sometimes I am not in the mood to read cards and feel forced and don't get anything.

Today I feel like I can't convey what I mean.