Help with a 5-card please.


After doing a general 5-card reading for myself,i pulled; the world:I now feel totally at ease with myself,free from fear,and know exactly what i want from this life.(past influences)prince of wands:childlike exuberance,new insights/ideas,willing to move on.(future)4 wands:dumping all my unwanted emotional baggage,freeing myself from other peoples expectations.(reason)2 of cups,being in love,not necessarily with anyone,maybe just life itself,and my new found freedom.(potential)5 pentacles:i cant help feeling that something is missing from my life. This reading makes so much sense to me,but i would appreciate any other suggestions on it,just in case theres something i really am missing.Thanks


Hi Fostha. What was your question for the reading? Or did you just have a general focus on yourself? And which deck did you use? My initial thoughts are that the cards look pretty good, but I need a bit more information before I try to interpret.


I used my cosmic deck,question was "what can i expect over the next few months?"I thought the last card was a bit disheartening,but other than that.was quite pleased with it,just wanted to make sure there wasnt anything i may have missed there.

ana luisa

Just to add a meaning I often get for the 5 of Pents : going it alone. Since there is usually a scene of people being shunned from the general crowd or not joining others, it may mean that you have potential to do things on your own EVEN IF they may look different from the trend.


That also makes a lot of sense to me,as a lot of so called friends/family have been rather deceitful towards me and my children,making out their trying to help us,when all they was really doing was helping my ex,which i have no problem with,he certainly needs help too,i just find it very sad and disheartening that they can lie to the children as well as me,and then expect to continue being a part of our lives,especially the ones that know what hes really like.