Help with a dream shooting, please!


I'm not an aggessive person, I don't think anyways but last night...

I had a dream that I was in this huge white building. There were four
bedrooms, with four beds in the same spot with four people sleeping
in the beds. I walked up to the rooms, one at a time and opened the
door, walked up to the bed and shot the person in the bed with a gun.
I walked out of the building and went to talk with some people and waited
for the police. I had no emotions. As I started to wake up I felt so afraid
because I didn't understand why I would dream something like this.
There was no blood everything was white. It was dark outside and
everything was peaceful.

I'm guessing maybe I'm not showing my fears or blowing up in a situation???

Any ideas,

Lady Tararith

I'm not a dream expert or anything, LOL. But straight away from reading your post I got the impression of built up anger. Because you are not a person who is normally aggressive your anger is getting buried deep down within you and it needs some way to let itself out.

When you said about later feeling frightened, this may be your mind's way of saying 'Let it all out' because if you leave it inside you may do or say something you will later regret. I'm not saying you will go and shoot someone, it may be that you snap at someone and end up hurting them.

I hope this helps. This is just my idea and thoughts.

Lady Tararith xxx


ros, hi im not an expert with dreams, but i had a very interesting dream a few years ago, i walked in a room with a dim light and a giant bed in the center of the room with 3 people laying on it, a man and 2 women, without giving it a second thought i started shooting hearing them begging me to stop, but, i wouldnt i wanted to blow them away. in the weeks to follow, i came to find out my husband had, had an affair with 2 of my friends, i had suspions about one of the women, but the other was a total shock. so iam thankful for having the dream because it did make me confront my husband about a affair, when i told him about the dream the certain women, his face went pale..... so then i knew , for me i used my anger in my dreams, killing the hurt i felt. because in reality im pretty quiet and keeping my anger to myself never showing my feeling. the only pain i showed him in reality was to divorce him. lynn


I've been thinking about my anger and this dream.
I find being quiet has not let me voice my opinions
for some time.

I guess my emotions are so buried there is a need
of a personality change.



The sleeping people in the bedrooms, with the number four, may suggest that a part of you is "waiting" to be released. I'd deffinatly go with the pent-up emotions interpretation on this. It may not be anger at all, though. The "white house" may symbolize a state of chastity, or morality that on some level is no longer tolorable; you wish that you could break the cycle of it and be free to express your true nature.
The "police" seem to support the morality/chastity aspect, because after you had let go of your ambition, you went back to feeling guilty (waited to be detained) - police represent an obsticle or boundry placed on yourself.
You may not have to associate with those specific ideals, but ask yourself if you are being overly inhibited in any area of your life.


When I read this, it made me wonder if there are actually 4 people some point in your life has made you feel that you weren't able to do what you really wanted to do. I mean in a way, did they make you feel a bit repressed? that you had to pretend that you were something that you are not? maybe you have felt that they have stopped you doing what you wanted out of ridicule, or anything along those lines? So in a way, by you shooting them in your dream, you were releasing yourself from their influence that they had over your life.

I hope that makes sense to you, not sure if it does to me.



ros said:
I've been thinking about my anger and this dream.
I find being quiet has not let me voice my opinions
for some time.

I guess my emotions are so buried there is a need
of a personality change.


Hi Ros,

You might be onto something there!

When I think of the white and four I think of a sterile box. Sometimes feelings can be so taboo that one may try to "sterilize" them by ignoring them and stuffing them away, neatly in a box. The people in the dream could represent other folks or they can represent aspects of yourself that you dislike and have learned how to hide. The beds show that, whomever or whatever the people represent, in some way you thought you put it to rest.
Make sense?

Dreams are kinda like tarot and the symbolism in your dream may mean something different to you. You'll get that "ah ha".

when I have a dream I want to know about I'll go into a meditave state and ask the dream to tell me what I need to know. Visualizing the dream and knowing that it's not real but an important message.

Now, just in case, lol, dreams are sometimes of the psychic variety, plugging in to the collective consciousnous. Prophetic-in as much as seeing someone else doing something of that nature in the future or possibly witnessing (albeit more sterile) something that happen somewhere else at the time of the dream.

I hope I haven't confused you and please let us know if you get that ahha!

Love and Light,