

wat are those prayers to be said before doing someone's spread ! am really getting confused in that can somebody help me with this?


Say whatever you need to say, rooted in your own faith belief. Many tarot practitioners don't feel the need to pray at all before a reading. Some simply ground their energies and concentrate. Some pray, some light candles, some do extravagant rituals. Whatever helps you feel connected to whatever source you believe lies at the root of the information you're trying to divine, that is what you should do.



For me, I read only for myself. And when I do a reading it is because I have a problem I need help with solving or I need advice or sometimes when I want a deeper understanding of the universe and my place in it.

Again, as MercyMe said, it depends on your belief system. No one says you have to pray. Tarot is all about finding what feels right to yuo and following it. I think praying is related to where you think your Tarot answers come from. To me I feel my asnwers come from G-d and that makes it seem natural to pray first, to ask him to send me what I need.

Like please send me wisdom/enlightenment, or what I need to help me solve this problem, or help me find what you need me to see in this reading (to make the best decision).....I don't say it out loud. It is interiour and with a heart full of gratitude and need to be the person the universe wants me to be.

There isn't a formula of any kind for this. If you find it suits your needs to pray, you just say what you feel in your heart. Thanks are always good too, you can thank him for the wonder of the help he has offered so far....It is a way of communicating what is in your heart and your intentions to G-d before starting.

BTW, I light a big scented candle to and sometimes meditate a bit on the flame before starting. Which is a means of relaxing and readings go better when we are calm and mellow and relaxed.

Hope this helps



Thank you a lot for a lovely guidance..


Priya wrote:Thank you a lot for a lovely guidance..
You're welcome and we're here for you if you have more questions.:)
