Herbs for water retention?

Red Emma

In late February I moved into a large apartment building and have been having trouble with, well, embarrasingly, water retention. Since it's not leaving on its own, I decided to try an herbal treatment. But also, when I moved the Physicians Desk Reference of Herbal Medicine my husband gave me got lost along the way.

Thus I have no trusted reference to consult.

Does anyone know which herb(s) might help with problem?

Dancing Bear

I dont know about any herbs But i do know Celery tablets are good and cucumber.. Dont ask where i got the info.. Just passed down tis all.


make sure to check you salt intake from all the food and beverages you consume and any you add, as too much can lead to water retention. Also make sure you are getting enough potassium in your diet as it helps your body to excrete water.

Salt: less than 1500 mg per day for water retainers, and about 4700 mg of potassium per day.

Herbs and foods: green tea, nettle leaf, dandelion, cranberry apple cider vinegar, asparagus, brussel sprouts, lettuce, cucumber, tomato, garlic, beets, cooked cabbage (not raw), celery.

~ C


Just wondering, forgive me for getting personal but if you have headaches, lethargy etc as well, it would be wise to consult a physician. Water retention (oedema) is often one of the first signs for several undesirable and serious conditions ranging from high blood pressure to heart failure.

Dandilion is the only one I know of off the top of my head. There must be many, many more diuretic plants.



But I agree with Millie - see a doctor if there are other symptoms.


If you're not drinking enough, your body may retain water to compensate. Paradoxically, fluid retention can sometimes be eliminated by drinking more water, not less. Are you drinking enough water? How are you swollen & where? Face, feet, hands? If it's your face, you need to see a doc. Well, you should probably anyway. I go thru phases & am in one now - I wake up & my eyes are nearly swollen shut; after about an hour it's hardly noticeable. But that's from kidney disease.

Green tea is supposed to be a duiretic.


I was diagnosed with high blood pressure and I was perscribed a blood pressure pill with a diurectic. I didn't realize that I was retaining water either. But is has made a difference and I would DEFINATELY seek out medical guidance from a Dr. first! :)