Hezicos Tarot- The High Priestess


"The High Priestess sits on her jade throne holding a book of secrets. She may shortly turn the key in the book revealing a secret to you."

The High Priestess suggests that you look at problems intuitively, from another angle. There are times when we want to address a problem that we know exists, but it doesn't seem to be a knowledge that was achieved rationally. Despite its seeming irrationality, this becomes valuable insight to act upon. Sometimes it is just this type of insight that makes people seem like mind readers and allows them to solve small problems before they become large ones. The High Priestess qualities help identify the hidden influences in your life.


Ah, such poise, confidence and elegance. Confidence in your gut feelings/ intuition will result in the correct path to follow. Have the confidence to listen and be guided by yourself


Hezicos Tarot - The High Priestess


ELEMENT - water

KEYWORDS - intuition, guidance, dreams, psychic, secrets

POSSIBLE MEANING - trust your intiution, listen to your inner voice, follow your gut instinct

DESCRIPTION - the priestess sits upon her jade throne, jade symbolising serenity, peace, emotional balance and a deep inner wisdom, with two large jade cats either side of her guarding her secrets, she wears a cross around her neck representing divinity and her dress is purple the psychic colour symbolising intuition and spiritual growth.
She reads from a book which has two keys attatched to it, she has unlocked the knowledge and secrets within its pages.