High Priestess reversed and 5 of Wands


I have another pair I'm wondering about. Would these be possible scenarios:

Your best friend tells everyone that you had an abortion. (or would this be the HP reversed with the 5 of Swords?)

That neighbor woman who likes to gossip and stir up trouble between people. (or what that be 5 of Swords too?)

I'm thinking that 5 Wands is more about OPEN hostilities rather than backbiting...so I wonder if the above scenarios work.

Thoughts? This combination seems rather nasty. You have that HP reversed, who I see as cold and calculating...plus the 5 of Wands. It's like...someone standing back and working behind the scenes to cause trouble. An instigator? Can someone give me a scenario for this combo?


I don't really see the Five of Wands as hostile...more as a kind of creative type of head-butting (such as sparring in a boxing ring for the purpose of each "opponent" getting better).

But...combining this with the HP reversed, which could suggest that one is not listening to her/his intuition or instincts, and may even represent a cold, manipulative person, here is a possible scenario:

Since the HP is a trump (and I always feel trumps are "teaching" cards) and carries more weight, maybe the querent is refusing to see that there is someone around her/him who is using the guise of constructive criticism or brainstorming for the betterment of those involved to manipulate the situation to her ends. Could be gossip, I guess, or actually manipulating scenarios for her own good.

But, again, as a teaching card, the HP Rx is telling the querent to get her head out of the clouds and see the forest for the trees...to listen to her inner voice, which she is not doing here.

Again, though, ask yourself what the other cards in the spread are telling you in response to what specific question. Otherwise, these are really just musings...


JennyM said:
I have another pair I'm wondering about. Would these be possible scenarios:

Your best friend tells everyone that you had an abortion. (or would this be the HP reversed with the 5 of Swords?)

That neighbor woman who likes to gossip and stir up trouble between people. (or what that be 5 of Swords too?)

I'm thinking that 5 Wands is more about OPEN hostilities rather than backbiting...so I wonder if the above scenarios work.

Thoughts? This combination seems rather nasty. You have that HP reversed, who I see as cold and calculating...plus the 5 of Wands. It's like...someone standing back and working behind the scenes to cause trouble. An instigator? Can someone give me a scenario for this combo?

As the poster above has said..the 5 of wands isn't that serious..it's like minor hassles and annoyances, the kind of petty arguments that stem from people with overly competitive natures who rub each other the wrong way. The 5 of swords would be better for that scenario you suggested.
I would say that ignoring one's intuition (HP reversed) will cause you some sort of conflict (5 of wands); or see you running into one problem after another..like you KNOW you should have taken the route you always take to work, but somehow you decided to take that shortcut you were curious about - next thing you know, you're running into traffic cuz there's an accident or some kind of delay and you end up getting to work late, when it would have been easier to take the normal way instead..and you're just KICKING yourself, because you had that nagging feeling at the back of your mind that this wasn't a good idea to begin with...something like that.


JennyM said:
I have another pair I'm wondering about. Would these be possible scenarios:

Your best friend tells everyone that you had an abortion. (or would this be the HP reversed with the 5 of Swords?)

That neighbor woman who likes to gossip and stir up trouble between people. (or what that be 5 of Swords too?)
By HP I assume you mean High Priestess rather than Hierophant.

The HPS reversed could certainly be about NOT keeping secrets. However, Page of Swords is more likely to be a gossip than HPS. HPS rx would likely, as mentioned, be a more pointed and manipulated release of information. She wouldn't tell everyone about the abortion, she'd tell the boyfriend--and she'd tell him for a very cold and caculating reason.

HPS reversed is pretty nasty when it comes to giving out secrets, nothing so stupid or childishly bad as a gossip ALTHOUGH whatever she releases could turn into widely circulated gossip.

5/Swords can certainly indicate bad gossip that you can't fight or win against spread by a malicious person. I don't think you'd need the reversed HPS in order to get that interpetation. 5/swords all on its own could indicate it.

5/Wands, as pointed out, is more about open competition and a fight over ideas, philosophy and creativity than a battle of words.


Thirteen said:
The HPS reversed could certainly be about NOT keeping secrets. HPS rx would likely, as mentioned, be a more pointed and manipulated release of information. She wouldn't tell everyone about the abortion, she'd tell the boyfriend--and she'd tell him for a very cold and caculating reason.

HPS reversed is pretty nasty when it comes to giving out secrets, nothing so stupid or childishly bad as a gossip ALTHOUGH whatever she releases could turn into widely circulated gossip.

5/Wands, as pointed out, is more about open competition and a fight over ideas, philosophy and creativity than a battle of words.

This is very interesting because I got this reading regarding a woman that we THINK has divulged a secret in order to cause trouble and...start people gossiping.


JennyM said:
This is very interesting because I got this reading regarding a woman that we THINK has divulged a secret in order to cause trouble and...start people gossiping.
Works for me. The difference, if I may elaborate, is between the gossipy girl at school who loves to tell everyone everything, who can't keep a secret and just loves to share juicy news at lunch, accurate or not (Page/Swords)...and the quiet girl who you think is your friend...but who's really jealous of you. You know her. She knows everything, but says nothing. She watches and sees everything, but never opens her mouth (HPS rx).

Until that one day, the day she's been waiting for ever since you started dating the guy she liked...when she decides to leak your worst secret to the gossipy girl. She knows full well how it will spread throughout the cafeteria.

SHE doesn't spread it. She just mentions it obliquely to the gossip during class, and lets all hell break lose while she watches and smirks with cold satisfaction.


Hi Thirteen,

Yes, this is how we're seeing her....cold and calculating. However, how does the 5 of Wands modify that? I can see the 5 of Swords there...but I'm having trouble understanding how something like that relates to the 5 of Wands. My only guess is that the 5 of Wands might refer to the result she wanted to achieve....or that she did it because she felt some competition from someone.


I just see the 5W as the chaos that the revearsed HPS creates.

As the High Priestess rx, she seems like someone to confide in, but she can't keep a secret... so when the 'secret' is revealed, the chaos insues.. it spreads like wildfire. I'd advise the querent not to disclose too much information to this woman.

If the querent IS this person who is the weak HPS, then she should watch her mouth, it'll only get her into trouble.


Celcius said:
I just see the 5W as the chaos that the revearsed HPS creates.

Ok, that's how I'm seeing it as well. A rather nasty person if you ask me.