High Priestess rx: no longer hidden


This morning i pulled our friend the high priestess in a reversed orientation as a summary card for a simple three card spread. I am specifically relating her to the center card, the moon, and my instincts said that together it would indicate information coming into the open. The moon illuminates deep truths and sheds light on things that were misunderstood or obscured. The upright high priestess would normally guard what is secret and hidden... Reverse her in this instance and I'm wondering if you would agree with me that its possible the high priestess would allow these truths to be seen.



I see these cards a bit differently, do not know the other cards inthe spread. My first thoughts of this combination was:

The moon indicates that she is in a fog, not seeing things clearly, the reversed HP verifies this, even her intuition is turned off. Something is hidden or she does not want to see the truth.


Yeah, i see what you mean. In the context of my spread, HP rx is a card that summarizes the energy of the three cards below. I started using summary cards too help me interrelate other Tarot cards. Since we're in the Using Tarot Cards section, I'll refrain from getting into it, but generally i don't see people cards in this position as people. I suppose i see the high priestess upright as protecting the truth that the moon is obscuring, and reversed that she seems content to uncover it.

Make sense?


Blah, i did not explain my moon interpretation well initially in my first post. the moon makes us look at things differently, sometimes not clearly, but it offers a different perspective. it is hard to have the courage to go down to that place where the crayfish lives and look at the other creepy crawlies that hang out down there. The hp rx is like the gate keeper that allows entry to that zone.


I see these cards a bit differently, do not know the other cards inthe spread. My first thoughts of this combination was:

The moon indicates that she is in a fog, not seeing things clearly, the reversed HP verifies this, even her intuition is turned off. Something is hidden or she does not want to see the truth.

Yeah, I agree with PAMUYA. Especially with the Moon next door. The moon certainly doesn't always reveal deep truths; I mean, the moon isn't always full, right? It fluctuates with cycles & is often hidden. I'm seeing some kind of secret betrayal here.

Mystic Zyl

To me the HP being Rx is that her intuition is not as strong as usual and she may not be able to figure out or see the hidden truths as well as she should right now.