"How am I feeling?" Spread


I'm sure this has been done a thousand times over. I originally made this spread for my bi-polar disorder. I recently just went through a very bad mood swing and was unable to pinpoint the cause of it and how to get out of it. Once I made the spread, I realized I could change a few things to make it open for any other emotional troubles / mental disorders people face.


1.) How am I currently feeling?
2.) What is the cause of this?
3.) How is this affecting my life?
4.) What would help me?
5.) What I need to remember/understand
6.) Advice

As I said, I modified it for my own bi-polar disorder. It's really only the wording. The changes are:
1.) What is my mood?
2.) What triggered this mood swing?

I will be using this spread every few weeks or so, just to keep track of my mood swings and maintain them. And I thought this spread would be helpful for other people. Opinions?


I need this. I will let you know how I get on!


Yes, this is a very good spread and it is great to have one dedicated for us bipolar people as there aren't too many specialist spreads about. My reading was a little clumsy but that is more a reflection on my inexperience. Some cards don't lend themselves to reinterpretation as moods, particularly some of the majors, so in that case I found aspects of the cards meaning that I identified with, so rather than asking 'what mood am i in' it was more a case of asking 'which card do i identify with most right now.'

For me the two of swords is the card i most identify with the nature of the condition, and it showed itself in the spread. I did, however find card 6 redundant as card 5 covered the advice that rang most true to me. Thanks for sharing this spread, it was most helpful.


Thank you for this spread! While I do not have bipolar disorder, I have borderline personality disorder, which results in a lot of very intense emotions with very little explanation. I know that this spread will come in handy sometime (if I know myself, probably sooner than later). I'm glad to find something so specific.