How to get down to specifics?


I'm wanting to progress deeper in my level of reading. I'm finding that when I'm reading for others I'm being quite general. I can tell them everything they already know, such as, the state of a relationship, personalities, emotions, enviormnent, etc, but when it comes to actually predicting events or going that level deeper, I'm kinda struggling.

I am using my intuition, but I'll be honest, sometimes I'm scared to tell them about what I feel, if it's something bad. This, I probably need to work on, because I know I need to overcome this barrier or probably stop reading, for others.

Do any of you have any suggestions for me please?


That's a great question and something I struggle with too. I feel like it comes down to trusting your intuition and gut instincts and going with them. Just try it and see how it goes. That's why in the beginning until you're more comfortable, it might be best to read for people you are close to and who understand your journey, as usually those are the people who can give you feedback. You know, versus doing readings for people you don't know very well or who are paying you.

Just try it. That's what I'm trying to do. All the best luck to us both! :)


You don't say what kind of spread(s) you're using, but if the spreads are general in nature, then the answers you're going to get from them will also be general in nature.

And you need to both listen to and give voice to your intuitive flashes. If you ignore them or don't express them, those flashes may disappear. You don't have to say "he's cheating on you" if that's what you see. You could instead say something like, "I sense there are other people involved in the situation" or "You need to pay more attention to her words and actions and if they jibe with one another."


YOu guys can do it!

It just takes practice, I think, and you need to trust your intuition. :D

People need to know the good and the bad, but it can be difficult to deliver unwelcome news. When I first started out it was tempting to sugarcoat my readings sometimes, but learned that in reality, it's more helpful to our clients just to say it.

For myself, when bad news is coming I'd rather know. Sometimes it helps to know, and have some kind of strategy in place on how to deal with it.

I still do readings for feedback.


I approach this by actively engaging the sitter in the reading, not just letting them, well, "sit" there and stare at me as I talk. I view tarot reading as a dialogue not a monologue, a two-way street on which the sitter should be made to feel comfortable as a fellow agent of self-discovery, not a target of the reader's virtuosity. This obviously works best in a face-to-face setting since you can see facial expressions and body language; that's the only kind of reading I do.

I start with a general overview of a card and elicit feedback on how it's "playing out" for them in practical terms in the area of life represented by the card's position. If that produces nothing useful after a couple of forays into what can become increasingly psychological or abstract territory, I move on to the next card - or I may even bounce back to the previous card to explore anything that may have been missed leading up to the "blind spot." Armed with more information, I then usually loop back around and revisit any "unfinished business." It feels kinda like peeling an onion (hopefully without the tears :)). This is especially useful in handling "negative" cards: an open-ended , non-invasive probing that draws out the sitter's own impressions of any potentially stressful particulars that will fill in the broad strokes and personalize the outcome.

I like to get the person talking (and most people like to talk about themselves), tying in their observations to the card under consideration and then using that as a springboard to take the interpretation up a notch in specificity. For me it's all about the sitter's comprehension of and attunement to the message in the cards, and I will work diligently to make that happen. I dislike letting any loose ends go, since pulling one can open up entirely new insights into the matter in question. Of course, this can take more than 15-20 minutes, and I don't read at parties or fairs for that reason, only in a "home" setting.

Good luck, and I hope you got something useful out of this.


Definitely understand what you mean- I posted a topic earlier today or last night asking essentially the same question! I'm hoping that with practice it will come naturally- I'd hate to find out I've been doing something wrong all this time and have to change the way I do readings later on down the road. I've honestly never had a good reading done on me before (only once I had a quick 5 minute reading done while I was on a cruise), so I think it might be a very educational experience to have a professional reading done! Regardless, best of luck :)


Say what comes to your mind. Don't second-guess yourself. I didn't believe this when I used to read it, but it's absolutely the thing to do. If you see bad news, then use the best empathetic and diplomatic skills you have to go gently on your sitter, but what pops into your mind is usually your "psychic flash" and you need to listen to it and then give voice to it. You may get an adamant denial from your sitter that what you say could possibly be true, but don't let that upset you. Chances are, later down the road, they'll find that you were right.

Now, I don't mean use your opinions and prejudices. You absolutely cannot blurt out your own personal judgments and rely on those as being what the cards have to say. What you think about it and the attitudes you personally have toward what they're doing or what the cards "should" be saying have no business in your readings. You have to just read the cards impartially and relay only those messages you have from them and those flashes that come to your mind. Once you can do that, then you're going to be on the right track.