How to learn the Marseilles with the help of Magik !!!


so this is the magical way of learning applied to the Marseilles deck.

What must be done at first is an Invocation, you want to read the marseille deck right ?
so you will invocate the Old Marseille Reader, Pictures a reader of the marseille tarot, someone that was living bettween 1500-1800.
Now you will put some things around you to remember it, jewells, some dress, changes your hair, anythings to be like an old Tarot reader.

also use the marseille deck to go in there, open the deck on a table to see the pictures while you putting yourself in it.

music and enscens are a must to changes the feeling, to "be elsewere"

and use some wording/thinking like "I am 'any_old_name' , i am a great marseille reader"

and now do a celtic cross reading, look at the card and let your intuition talk

btw, you can do any modification you want, the more important is to do something different.

Have fun


Hello The Old,

Your suggestion is interesting and I'm sure will help some people, but my own view is that none of us need to invoke anything or anyone to read with a Marseilles deck, (or any other), as long as the 'intent' to read is there. I also don't think the Celtic Cross spread is the best one to be used either as some people don't take to it at all. Better that people use a spread (or none, as in my case sometimes), that they are familiar and comfortable with.

To me it's more important to get a feel for the cards themselves and to have a close relationship with them, then they start to become clearer.


Uh oh - what if a fortune teller shows up?