HP and Empress in CC


What means when HP and the Empress meet each other in a relationship CC? The HP is the base and the Empress is on the 8th position, "The Environment". Being the most feminine cards in the Major Arcana I think they definitely send a message.
The HP is the Papesse, the virgin and the Empress is the mother... They are somehow opposite to each other so maybe they show an inner conflict inside the querent (who is a woman) or a conflict with the partner. Or maybe the her feelings which grow up from distant Papesse to loving Empress.
What do you think?




In a CC spread the base position for me is how the situation is holding together more how you/sitter is supported. The 8th position is how others see you. Perhaps it is saying that how you present yourself to the world is not the person you really are. The world sees you as a caring loving person, you see yourself or how you base your decisions on is through sitting back and watching, not acting or feeling.


Thank you, Pamuyta... I read somewhere here, on AE forum that HP+ Empress combo is "mama's boy" for the man in the relationship.


Thank you, Pamuyta... I read somewhere here, on AE forum that HP+ Empress combo is "mama's boy" for the man in the relationship.

You are using a spread that has positional meanings, I really don't use this spread often, but I don't see the connection on combining the base position with position #8.

Hp + Empress is "mama's boy"? I have not read that combo in that way, nor never remember reading that.

Sorry I could not help you with that. Perhaps someone else knows where this can be found.