I love the 2 of Pentacles


I just wanted to share some amusing experiences regarding the 2 of pentacles (Waite-Smith deck). I have always liked the 2 of pents and have always had interesting results/interpretations when it has shown up in a spread.

It has shown up once during a reading in which it represented reshuffling the deck. I was pulling clarification after clarification, and when the 2 of pents showed up, I knew it meant that I needed to go ahead and reshuffle the entire deck. It was one of my first "intuitive" moments with Tarot in which I KNEW exactly what it was telling me.

It has represented exercise. I find it a great card for representing exercise, due to the character's dynamic movement.

Finally, the main reason for posting this message, perhaps the most amusing of my experiences yet with the 2 of pents: We have a little breakfast ritual we do with my 4 year old son involving the cooling down of pancakes and waffles, we take the pancake and flip it back and forth in our hands and sing a silly song until it's cool enough for him to eat. Well...last night before I went to bed I asked, on a whim, "What's going to happen tomorrow?" and drew a single card- 2 of pents. This morning I made two waffles for my son and did the little song and flip ritual, but this time with both waffles at once, instead of one at a time. After giving him the waffles, I then remembered what card I drew last night. I had to look exactly like the character in the 2 of pents as I tossed the round, yellow waffles back and forth and singing a ridiculus song. :)

Just thought I'd share that. I found it amusing. :)


ha ha that is so cute

and just reinforces in your mind what a card can mean - like riding a bike - you can't dither or you will shake and fall, you have to take control and move all the parts at once, like tossing pancakes you have to be confident and just do it otherwise you get a messy pan - with practice you get there in the end - also multitasking popped into my head then
just my 2 cents (or pentacles lol)


there was a thread on here about mundane literal interpretations of the cards, i will see if i can dig it out for you