I Need

Haydyn M. Jackson

Whould someone like to make a spread for me? I need one that I can use to see what potential relationships are headed my way, and what I can do to make something of them. Also something to indicate if they're good/bad, and whatever else you may find fit to include. I like spreads with lots of cards!


I made this one for you:

1- Who is coming into my life
2- Is there a potential for romance
3- How long will they stay
4- What must I learn from them
5- What kind of influence will they have on me
6- How long will the experience stay with me
7- When will they arrive
8- Are they my destined love
9- Who is
10- When will I meet them
11- Will meeting this person be a lasting experience
12- What must I learn from them
13- What must I do to bring them into my life
14- How will I meet them
15- Obstacles/unknown forces

 1      8       7
    2       6
   15         5
  10      14
 13       12


The spreads index contains more examples of spreads for you to choose from. Also, consider making up your own spread, even reading to reading, for personalized spreads that make the most sense to you, as the reader. :)

Haydyn M. Jackson

Thanks so much for that spread, man.
I tried to make my own, but couldn't quite pin point exactly what I was trying to get from it.
So thanks, yo.