I wonder if I made her uncomfortable?


I met someone new today, introduced by a mutual friend. They'd come over to the house and we were hanging out; I was showing them some of my newer decks and suddenly the thought hit me- "I should give her the Enchanted and book." She had just had her first reading today, and she doesn't (didn't) own a deck.

I offered it to her, and she accepted, but I kind of wonder if I made her uncomfortable. I wasn't trying to get anything out of it, I just had that push that said, "Do this, now", so I did it.

But now I have a yucky feeling. :( It doesn't help that it was an interesting meeting- my best friend, new girlfriend kind of deal.


Now listen, Amary, my dear. When you have one of those "pushes", you just do it, you don't question it. Although when you're new to it, it's normal to start doubting whether you should have done it or not.

Here's the thing---when you get one of those "pushes", you never know where it's intended to end up. You may have given it to her and it was just the very thing she needed at this stage of her life. Or she may totally not want the deck, will pass it on to someone else who might then forget and leave it on a bus---and THEN the person it was intended for will get that deck. But if you didn't heed the push, she wouldn't have gotten a deck she really didn't want and given it to the person who then left it on the bus so it could find the person it was really meant for. ((((Amary :heart: ))))

The real important thing is that you felt the push and you heeded it. You don't need to worry what else will come of it because you did what you were supposed to. And getting "pushes" and heeding them is all part of this journey we're all on. :D


I don't think anyone is ever turned off by kindness and generousity. IF she had been someone turned off by Tarot (and some people are) that might have been a problem, but since she just has her first reading today we can eliminate that. She is clearly the open-minded type about Tarot or she would not have gone for a reading in the first place.

I really cannot see any problem there, even if I try.

Not to mention what Griz said, which was very well said. We are always meant to follow those psychic nudges. We get them for a reason and they represent something its important that we do, that will lead to the hightest good.



Amary said:
I wasn't trying to get anything out of it, I just had that push that said, "Do this, now", so I did it.
The intention is what matters the most - and your intention was way cool, it was like a pure impulse to share. :)

Grizabella said:
When you have one of those "pushes", you just do it, you don't question it.

Exactly! :D


I love you guys. :)

I called the friend and asked if her friend found it off - putting. She just laughed at me and told me to stop being so paranoid, and that her friend thought it was very generous and sweet. She also said that she was happy because now she can learn more. So apparently I was overthinking things.

I had another very close friend call me tonight because her MIL passed away. She knew I collected tarot, but I hadn't told her that I read because we grew up in the same extremely conservative religious environment. SHe flat out asked me tonight, and I said yes- and she asked me to read for her. She was pretty shocked by how accurate the cards were. :D I told her to pick a deck and I would send it to her.

Overall, I think it was a good tarot day. :)


Bless your heart! You're so generous and I think that's wonderful. It's very good to give. It does you and the person who receives a lot of good but I think it does the giver even more good than the recipient.


*blushes* Thank you. I am a little worried about the second friend, honestly- her reading was all about dissatisfaction and boredom, and an unrealized potential for creativity. It said she's extremely unhappy with the situation, but that she's unlikely to do anything to change it- and that she is looking in the wrong place for the source of the problem. :( When I asked her if she felt spiritually fulfilled, she was unsure what I meant- "You mean, like going back to church?" So honestly, I'm hoping if I can get her interested in the Tarot, maybe it will spark some of that creativity and passion that's languishing in her, and give her a spiritual outlet or connection.