I'm looking for a more detailed weekly spread?


Hi! I was doing 3-5 card daily spreads. I like to get an idea what's ahead at work (co-workers attitudes, how I feel, how I deal, day in general) and what's ahead in my personal time.

As of late, I've been having time issues. Work is long and busy, when I get home I have the usual plus it seems like someone always wants/needs my time. I end up being exhausted and I can't get into the state of mind I need to be in to read-or even lay out the cards. In the morning I feel rushed.

I'm looking for a spread that I can do for the week that's more than a card a day but less than thirty-five? I'm not sure how to phrase the questions or I'd just make one. I was thinking hoping that someone else here must have a spread along these lines...one or two card readings are harder for me to relate to at the end of the day.

If anyone has any ideas I would be eternally grateful! I'm still a beginner so doing regular readings is very important!

Thank you in advance!!


There's a list of indexed weekly spreads in post 5 of the Tarot Spreads Forum Index sticky Note at the top of the forum. Not sure if any of those are what you're looking for though.

Quickly off the top of my head you could try this:


123 - Monday
456 - Tuesday
789 - Wednesday
147 - Thursday
258 - Friday
369 - Saturday
159 - Sunday
357 - Overview of the week

Since your focus seems to be more along the lines of work I started with Monday, but you could just as easily start with Sunday and end with Saturday.

You could also post in the Collaborative Spread Creation thread and we can try to come up with something.



Thank you so much for responding-and so quickly!!

I did look at the index, I always look there first-ordinarily I find what I'm looking for.

I guess my problem is figuring out the best way to phrase the questions I have. I have to compact them, that's the best way to describe it.

As I said, I'm still learning so I'm still working on reading cards in position/context and specific questions help me with that.

Thanks again


Oh & please excuse my dashes:p...It's from texting all week:)


You may need to do two readings then. Whenever the question contains "subject A and subject B", you never know which subject the cards are answering. So you could do one reading on "What do I need to know about work this week?" and one on "What do I need to know about my personal time this week?"

You could still use the 1-9 spread for both questions. For the work reading, you could just not use the Sat and Sun positions (assuming you work Mon-Fri) or look at how the work week affects you on your non-work days.



Thank you Rodney! I'm going to try that for this week! Actually I'm going to try it in a few minutes:p

If anyone else has anything different I'll try those as well!
I'll post feedback as to how it goes:)

Take care & thanks again,



Hi MystiKatt,

You can always just do a 7-card layout in which you assign a day to each card position:


You can easily expand each position to have more cards to provide more information if you wanted... so starting with the initial 7, you could go up to 14 or 21 or more (2 cards/day to 3 cards/day respectively).

This technique also works if you are using different units of time, like weeks in a month, months in a year, etc. It will also work if you want to tackle more than one subject during the time period, like one card in a day position representing work and the other representing relationship (14 card expansion with 2 cards/day over the 7 day period).

:love: Sheri


Thanks Sheri!! That's a great idea as well!

I'll try it next week!!


Sheri's suggestion works really well for me, that's how I do a weekly spread one row of 7 for work/money issues, another row for relationships/love & another row for general everyday life things. It tends to encompass all areas then :)

MM :love:


MysticalMoose, thank you so much for your input!

I have a question tho-do you all lay out the first seven then pick them up and reshuffle? Before laying out the next? Or...?

Thanks in advance
