Image from a dream ????


I must have had a dream I cannot recall. I just keep having this picture come to my mind of a very tall pillar with a pointed top. Someone had said this is smoky quartz but the base was all clouded at the bottom and they said, "The clouded area comes up".

It was very clear in the middle and the top was like a mountain covered in snow. So the bottom was clouded and the top was tipped with white. I must say it looked very clear in the middle and not like smoky quartz.

The image in my mind is very clear and I have not seen it in awake life so it must have been in a dream and someone was speaking to me.

Too bad I am unable to recall the dream. It happened yesterday that I saw the image and I ignored it and just now. Does anyone have any ideas ?


Usually those dreams do not come alone, you should pay attention to the next dreams and make a puzzle. take notes of everything you dream, and you will get a padron :p


Hi, memries! I would start with the feeling the image invokes. When I can't remember a dream, sometimes focusing on the feeling will bring an image of the dream and then my memory fills in around the dream.
So maybe if the image isn't unlocking the meaning for seeing this symbol, the feeling you get from the image will. Does that make sense?
When it occurs without an intentional trigger, what feeling is attached? I hopes this helps.
Best Wishes!


memries said:
I just keep having this picture come to my mind of a very tall pillar with a pointed top.

Sounds like an Egyptian stellae, those tall sandstone pillars with hieroglyphics all over them.


You are pretty close Willowfox. It is an obelisk.

Mdawn.. I feel like I am missing something important and am a bit in awe of the thing I saw. Wonderment is how I feel.

Isarma, yes I will watch for anything else as it comes along and write it down.

It was just so out of keeping with my life style. They actually have one for sale in ebay but of a very pale mauve. I do collect crystals.


Maybe a spirit guide wants you to work with one of these crystal obelisks.

I think you'll know the right one when you see it. :)


Hi memries,

First thought was of mountains in a backdrop of a Hermit card.

I found this webpage through google on the crystal itself:

Not sure if this is of any relevance:

PILLAR support and help
PILLAR your abilities and knowledge

The fact that the clouded bit rises ...... makes me think of the chakra & energy movement (interesting that this crystal is for the root chakra) ........ one possibility is that there are clouded issues at the root chakra ....... your heart chakra is open & clear ......... but the crown chakra is frozen a bit at the moment ........ need to clear the base ....... which will then in turn help to open the crown?

Any use? IMO if you needed to remember the rest of the dream you would have. This is obviously the bit you need to work with.

x Huredriel

PS: Oh and before I forget, when you say obelisk, I get the thought of sacred geometry float into my head.


The obelisk reference was a good one Milfoil. I have not yet had time to look up the references that Hurdriel included but I will when I get home later.
I have a cut on my hand that is not healing so off I go to get some cream I guess.

Good excuse to spend time on here. Will keep searching and let you know.