Information on the elements


Is there a book which has good information about incorporating the elements into reading tarot as would like to look a bit more into this... or a website- thread on here that you could recommend would highly appreciate it.


This site, based on the Thoth deck, gives a lot of details about the Elements:

There's some good info here on the forum as well. Melanchollic has more "classical" notions of the elements - which has given me much food for thought.


This site, based on the Thoth deck, gives a lot of details about the Elements:

There's some good info here on the forum as well. Melanchollic has more "classical" notions of the elements - which has given me much food for thought.
I prefer the Golden Dawn (and Thelemic) take on the Elements, but it is a matter of perspective. Melancholic is coming from more of a historical point of view, which is equally valid, but not particularly compatible with the esoteric decks produced after the year 1900.


Thanks for all these they have been really useful to me and given me a lot to read through and digest.. :)


I follow Toni Allen.. she is an author too but she does not advertise her Tarot on facebook much.