"Internet love" spread


Since there are more and more people who create virtual connections and really share their soul this way , i find this spread very useful. maybe the questions are disturbing, but the person is a total stranger and it's very important to know if the way they describe themselves is actually the reality or just a game .





1. Who is this person really?
2. How is his/her career life?
3. What's his/her financial status?
4. Is he/she single?
5. Does he/she have children?
6. Is this person lying/deceiving/misleading me behind that computer, should i trust him/her?
7. What are his/her real intentions with me?
8. Will we actually ever meet for real?
9. Outcome between us.


Internet dating

Wow- this looks like a great spread! I am going to have to record this one and try it out!


Ooooh I really like this. Very creative I'm going to add this to my journal too.