interperting dreams, need help please!


interperting dreams, need help please! UPDATE

does anyone know of a spread for interperting dreams? this is very important any help will be greately appreciated.

thank you

after posting this i made up a spread it seemed to work well for me, feel free to adjust it as it will fit your particular situation.
since this particular dream was about a person, i laid the cards out in the shape of a stick figure person. cards, 3,4,5,6, are laid out at an angle to the first two, forming the arms and legs.




1. what your head tells you
2. what your heart tells you (or the heart of the matter)
3. and 4. the basis the dream stands on
4. and 6. how to handle the matter.


Welcome contradiction! Have you tried the Tarot spreads listed in the Spreads index? There are a few spreads on dream interpretation about 3/4 of the way down the page.

Hope those ideas help too! :)


thanks alyssia, i did not know where that index was.


The site I found this spread on...The Soul Dreamers Spread...has changed a lot since I was there last, but I did find it again.

I've used it before for some troubling dreams and it helped me find out what they meant.