


I'm quite new to tarot and have just had a card jump out at me. It literally flipped over out of the spread. What does it mean when this happens?



Sweet Irish Angel


Hey Claire,

WELCOME :) and enjoy , great place to be for a tarot learner,

I take great head to the cards that jump out,
they usually have a significant meaning to you :)


Thanks Sweet Irish Angel!

Its hard to understand what the tarot is telling you when its a single card.


Hi Clare :)

It will mean something important to do with what you are asking. sometimes I find a jumper can give you the answer to what you were looking for or needed to know without needing to do the whole spread


Hi, Clare! I agree with Sweet Irish Angel and Summersweet--it's like the Universe, your guides, or whoever saying, "Pay attention!"


I look at it like it's the same thing as someone running up and interrupting you to tell you something important. It might or might not have anything to do with the spread, but it's something the oracle wants you to know right now.


Thanks everyone! It was the King of Swords and for some reason makes me think of someone I know... it reminds me of them. Anyway I'm going to take note of it.


I see it as something along the same lines as everyone else. To me it indicates a message that the universe considers important for you to know and wants you to take time to think about it. Well not necessarily you, but the querent as it pertains to their life.

When I get a jumper I explain to them what a jumper is (I only read for others online) and I tell them that, that it contains a message the universe considers important for them to see and understand and they are being asked to stop and think about it carefully.



Thanks Sunchariot! I agree and do think this card is pointed pointed out for a reason and its not to be ignored.


I get jumpers too - they kind of fling themselves at me like those flying fish. I look at the card then put it back into the deck and continue shuffling. If it comes up in the spread I take special note of it. If it repeatedly comes up, which the 8 of Wands has for me for a while now, I will do a spread around it to find out what it is trying to get across to me.

Sometimes it's something you really should be paying attention too, or you are maybe asking the wrong question and it's trying to get you to look at something else or another aspect.:)