Karmic Astrology

Rusty Neon

In my beginner's understanding of karmic astrology, karmic astrology could tell the querent what karma and what karmic lessons he has brought into his current life. However, do any karmic astrologers try to determine what specific past lives the querent had?

Thanks in advance!


When I was in practice, my specialty was esoteric astrology, which involves issues related (but not limited) to karma. In my experience, karmic themes show up very clearly in astrological charts, but the details must be fleshed out through intuition.


Past lives . . .

The chart most clearly shows you what this life offers -- as you stray from that basis the chart becomes less clear. I would suggest pursuing a past life regression with someone who is skilled in that endeavor. It is possible to engage in this yourself but the experience and the results can be less satisfying than when having a guide. Dave.


Rusty Neon,

There is an interesting series of books on Karmic astrology by Martin Schulman. They were first published in 1975 by Weiser and are still in print..

There is another one by Stephen Arroyo called Astrology. karma and transformation 2nd Editon 1992 CRCS Publications, California which is still in print. Some of Edgar Cayce's work is very interesting as well.

On the ARE website (dedicated to Edgar Cayce) you can oder karmic astrology readings based on the natal chart. I obtained one recently and found it extremely interesting, congruent with other astrological and tarot readings I have had done, but with some new material.

You can order these readings through www.arebookstore.com

Best wishes,



The books referred to by Moongold are excellent, I have the Arroyo book and have dipped into the Schulman series.

However I don't think that natal charts demonstrate Karma in the sense of an open book. As Astraea and Dave say, there is a need to use intuition and an in-depth discussion with the querent, though certain themes may well appear in the chart - they need to be explored and reflected on. Even so by it's very nature, past life information cannot be verified. So the value of past life information does not lie in the empirical field, it lies in the intuitive, psychic, soul centred nature of our lives - so it can be extremely valuable to the way in which we conduct our lives.

I'd also echo Dave's point about perhaps trying past life regression or finding a good reptuable medium who does psychic development classes. The Astrological chart then becomes something of a stimulus to psychic connections, rather than the hard evidence of what we did in earlier lives.