king cups

white witch

Hi all...i am new to the forum and was looking for some suggestions to the meaning of a one card question i did for myself...i asked whether someone special to me ever feels a connection with me or have i been forgotten? The king cups being about emotions seemed a positive card...but im not sure of any more detail...any help please? Thanks...


I'd say yes, this king is loving and mature, but is in control of his feelings, isn't very expressive like the knight of cups.

Still I would draw 2 more cards to be sure about his feelings.


What deck did you use?

In many decks the King of Cups floats on a platform on the water so he's slightly removed from his element, above it. He's a King so he's the master of his feelings and emotions and in a relationship reading he often represents someone who has feelings but he has them under control and doesn't really show them.
Does that sound like him?

white witch


Thanks for your reply Prilica, I can understand too that one card might not be sufficient to answer questions, when I did another reading the other two supporting cards were Ace pentacles and Judgement? How would these correlate with King Cups?

white witch


Thanks for replying Sulis, I use the Rider Waite deck. The card makes sense really, when described as mature and doesnt show his feelings...yes, this does sound like him.


I agree with this. I have done readings with King cups as being somebodies partner, very in control of his emotions -which then turns into the knight of cups when the man starts to express his feelings. So watch and see if the king changes to a knight which may show him beginning to express himself a bit more xxx

white witch


Thankyou rachx for your reply.interesting to see if he does change into knight cups,would be nice as i havent seen him for a while.